she gets sick in the studio (requested)

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"Are you sure that you want to go in today, Taylor? You don't look as if you're feeling very well." You told Taylor as you felt her forehead.

Her skin felt warm against the tips of your fingers and you couldn't help but frown upon realizing that she was probably coming down with something.

It's not just that she's warm but she also looks quite miserable from the way she keeps holding her stomach and the way it grumbled, making groans fall from her lips whenever it did, leaving you feeling concerned.

Overall, she looked as though the studio is the last place she wants to be today but being the hardworking person that she is, she'll insist that she was fine so she can go to work and get more music done.

"You don't feel good, do you?"

"Not really." She confessed with a sigh. "But I'm sure I'll be fine. I'll feel better as the day goes on. I'm sure it's nothing. Don't worry about me."

That was impossible because she's your girl.

You worry about her all the time.

"If I feel worse, I'll let you know."

"And you'll come home?"

"Yeah. I'm not even going to drive to the studio, just in case. I'm going to take an Uber just in case I can't drive home or something."

You didn't like the way that sounded.

You'd much rather her just stay home and rest if she didn't feel well.

But what were you going to do?

You can't force her to stay home, even if you were to try.

Taylor is determined to finish up the current re-recording she's working hard on and nothing's going to get in her way.

So with a kiss on her cheek, you kissed her goodbye for the day and watched her walk out the door as she promised that she'd be alright.

But as the morning went on, Taylor grew more unsure as to if she'd actually be fine.

She began to feel sick to her stomach.

As she arrived at the studio, she began to feel nauseous and she was moving quite slowly, which was very unlike her.

"Taylor, are you feeling okay today?" Jack asked her and she nodded her head, still trying to convince others, as well as herself, that she was perfectly fine.

"I'm alright. Let's get to the next song." She said before she went into the booth.

Jack frowned as he watched her closely and he pulled his phone out of his pocket, certain that he'd need to call you sooner or later.

She tried hard to record the song.

She tried so hard to get through it all.

But she felt so sick that soon, she could only groan and whine as her stomach turned.

"Taylor, maybe you should just go home," Jack suggested.

Taylor couldn't protest any longer.

She felt terrible and all she wanted was to go home and be with you.

So she stepped out of the booth and grabbed her phone so she could call you when, suddenly, her stomach flipped.

Reaching for the trash can, she pulled her hair back with her hand  before getting sick into it.

Jack's heart sank as he watched his friend get sick and without wasting even a second, he grabbed his phone and scrolled through his contacts until he found your name.

Tapping on it, he pressed his phone against his ear and listened to it ring a couple of times before he heard your voice.


"Y/N? I've got some sad news. Taylor's sick."

"Sick? What do you mean?"

"She's vomiting and I can tell that her stomach really hurts. She looks awful."

You had a feeling that she'd end up getting sick like this but you had hoped she'd make it home to you before she did.

"Okay, I'll come pick her up."

"Okay." He said before ending the call.

He tried to comfort Taylor but it didn't compare to the comfort she needed from you more than anything.

When you arrived, she was sitting in one of the chairs, shivering and groaning from how nauseous she felt.

"Oh, baby," You said as you hurried to her side.

Jack had texted you that she'd come down with the chills, so you brought a little blanket with you.

Wrapping it around her shoulders, your eyes met hers and you could see just how terrible she was feeling from the gaze she gave you.

"I don't feel good, Y/N," She said.

"I know you don't, my love. Don't worry, I'm going to get you home." You said and watched her nod her head before standing up.

"Thank you for calling me. I'll keep you updated."

"Of course. Feel better, Taylor." Jack said.

"Thank you." She mumbled as you led her out of the studio and out to the car.

"Okay, baby. Let's get you inside." You said as you helped her into the car.

"I'm so cold." She said as she continued to shiver.

As soon as you got into the driver's seat, you placed your hand on her forehead and felt that she felt much warmer than she did before.

She was most definitely running a fever now.

You reached over to turn the heat on before turning the vents toward her, turning it on full blast.

She breathed out a sigh of relief as the car began to heat up.

The heat, along with the blanket, was helping her chills a little.

"Okay before we go home, do you need anything? I checked and we have soup at home but do you need some juice or anything?"

"No. I just want to get home and have you cuddle me."

"Are you sure, honey?" You asked as you brushed her bangs away from her forehead as they clung to her skin from the sweat.

She nodded her head tiredly.

"Are you too hot? Still cold?"

"I'm still cold but not as bad."

"Good. Just let me know how you feel and I'll turn the heat down for you."

Though you were hot and the heat was almost unbearable for you, you didn't dare turn it off.

You wanted Taylor to feel comfortable and if this was helping even just a little bit, you'd happily keep it on the whole way home.

"I'm going to sleep until we get home." She said. "I think it might help me."

"Yeah, you need as much rest as you can get." You said. "Don't worry, darling. Get some sleep. I'll let you know when we're home."

She nodded before putting the seat back.

She closed her heavy eyes and tried to sleep, even as her stomach continued to turn and she fought with the sick feeling that was growing stronger.

She knew she was going to be sick again but she wanted to wait until you got home if possible, so she fought it and tried to sleep the way back.

Your heart broke to see her this way.

As awful as being sick is, you'd take whatever it is she's got in a heartbeat if it meant that she would feel better.

But, unfortunately, you couldn't do that.

All you could do was comfort her and be here for her until she feels better, which you hoped was sooner rather than later.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now