when you have food poisoning at the same time (requested)

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"I guess that new restaurant won't be open very long." You groaned as you finished changing out of your dress and into one of Taylor's sweaters before you laid down in bed beside your girl.

She wanted to laugh at your words. It was all true. But she feels just as awful as you do and it's hard to find the strength to even crack a smile right now.

You clutched your stomach as it ached a little worse, your teeth sinking into your lip as a small groan fell from them. You feel clammy and nauseous, just like Taylor does.

You're pretty sure you've got food poisoning; both of you. But you just arrived home a few minutes ago, having to call date night shortly after dinner upon realizing that it just wasn't settling all that well.

Right now, you both just want to get a little rest, hoping that you wouldn't feel too terrible that way.

But it was only wishful thinking. You both knew, deep down, as much as you wanted to just lay still and rest, that it wouldn't work out that way.

And it hit you first. The nausea became overwhelming, your mouth began to water, and soon you were jumping up to rush into the bathroom.

Taylor groaned quietly upon hearing you vomit.

Her stomach wasn't feeling great either but, instinctively, she got out of bed so she could be by your side and try to comfort you through these terrible moments.

She padded into the bathroom, her sock-covered feet trailing to you. She sat down behind you and started to comfortingly rub your back and whisper soft words into your ear.

"It's okay, darling. Let it out." She mumbled and felt her heart sink deeper and deeper in her chest every time she'd hear you throw up.

"Are you okay, Tay?" You asked, breathing shakily when you finished puking a moment later.

You wiped your mouth before standing up and walking to the sink.

"Yeah." She whispered and kissed your head lovingly before she started to shiver.

"You have the chills, baby?" You frowned as you finished washing your hands.

She nodded.

"Okay. Go back to bed. I'm going to brush my teeth and then I'll join you."

She nodded again, this time weaker than before she began to walk back into the bedroom.

She exited the bathroom slowly, her hand resting on her stomach as she took slow and careful steps.

You knew something wasn't right so you tried to brush your teeth and get the disgusting taste off of your tongue as quickly as possible so you could go and be by her side.

But before you finished, you heard the terrible sound of her throwing up, much as you had just a couple of minutes ago.

"Tay?" You said before putting your toothbrush away and rushing out of the room to get to her side.

You still didn't feel all that great, but you felt like you could be by her side through these moments, like she'd been by yours, without feeling like you were going to throw up with her.

She was getting sick into the empty trash can that she keeps at her bedside.

"Oh, Tay, it's okay." You said as you kissed her shoulder and gently pulled her hair into your hands to hold it back for her. "Let it out, baby. Trust me, you'll feel better after."

"I hope so." She mumbled a few seconds later when she was able to take a breath, only to continue throwing up again afterward.

You stayed by her side every minute and when she was done, she put her forehead on your shoulder with a groan.

"Come on, sweet girl. Let's go brush your teeth and then we'll cuddle and call it a night."

She nodded and you managed to clean up after her while she brushed her teeth without feeling too sick again.

When she was done brushing her teeth, you kissed her shoulder a few times in comfort before heading back to the comfort of your warm bed.

"I think when I feel better, I'm calling that restaurant up to complain. I'm also going to write a bad review when my eyes don't feel so heavy." Taylor mumbled as she tangled her legs with yours and let you rest your head on her shoulder.

"Good idea. I'm never going back to that place."

"Me neither." She sighed and kissed your forehead lovingly. "Are you okay? Feeling sick at all?"

"Not right now. You?"

"Same as you. Hoping it stays that way. Hopefully, we can get some rest and we'll feel better in the morning." She yawned.

"I hope so too." You said and closed your eyes. "I love you. Thanks for taking care of me through that."

"Thank you for taking care of me, darling." She chuckled a little. "I love you too. Goodnight, sweet girl."

"Goodnight, Tay." You said before drifting off to sleep, still feeling quite awful but oh so thankful that you have each other in moments like these.

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