she scolds you (requested)

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You clutched your stomach as you sat up against the pillows on the bed and as you did so, a long groan escaped your lips.

Taylor was sitting beside you, flipping through the tv channels as you groaned in pain and agony.

"My stomach hurts so bad." You mumbled.

Taylor looked away from the tv and over at you, holding back the smirk that was pulling at her lips.

Not because she enjoyed seeing you in pain, of course.

But rather because she could tell that you were close to admitting that she'd been right, which she enjoys hearing from time to time.

"I told you not to drink all that milktea." She said as she shrugged her shoulders. "But you wouldn't listen."

"I thought I'd be fine." You said as you lay down again.

"Y/N, you ordered three large ones as well as a small one. It was only inevitable that it was going to make your stomach hurt."

"I know." You said before sighing. "But it's just so good. I still have a little left of my small one."

She took it from your hand as you reached for it and placed it over by her.

"Tay," You whined.

"Nope, you're not getting it. There's not much left of it but what is left of it is going to make your stomach hurt worse. You don't need it."

Of course you didn't need it.

But, despite how badly your stomach already ached, you wanted the rest of it.

"You've had too much of it already and now your stomach is hurting. You're going to make yourself sick."

Your shoulders slumped and a long sigh left your lips.

You knew she was right.

"Fine. You're right."

"I know." She said with a grin, only for it to fall as you groaned again. "You can't drink so much milktea. See what it does? It makes your stomach hurt. I hate seeing you in pain."

She slipped her hand under your shirt and started to rub your stomach comfortingly.

"You need to take a break from it for a day or two. Let your stomach calm down."

"I'll just get one tomorrow."

"No, baby, you and I both know that won't happen. One will turn into two, two into three, and three into yet another stomach ache."

"Oh, alright." You said, agreeing with her. "I don't like it when you scold me."

"Well, then stop drinking so much milktea and I won't have to." She teased before kissing your cheek.

"Will you keep rubbing my stomach?"

"Is it helping?"

You nodded.

"Then yes." She smiled. "I've got you, baby."

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now