all's well that ends well to end up with you - part three (requested)

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You couldn't control the giggles that continuously fell from your lips as Taylor carried you all the way to your hotel room.

She threw the door open, staring down at you with bright eyes and a big smile as she carried you to the bed.

The door slammed shut as your back touched the mattress and you pulled Taylor on top of you, your arms wrapped around her to hug her close as you stole another kiss.

She couldn't help but take your hand back into hers, nor could she resist the urge to brush her thumb along the rock on your hand.

A symbol of your love together, a reminder of the vows you made and the life you get to spend together with the love of your life, the woman of your dreams; the only thing you'll ever need in this life.

"It feels so surreal, doesn't it?" She asked, her nose brushing against yours. "It's been a whole twenty-four hours now but I still can't believe it. I've never been so happy or so excited about what the future, our future, could hold."

She fell onto the bed beside you, her hand still holding yours tightly. She let out a contented sigh and took a moment to close her eyes and thank her lucky stars for you.

You hovered over her and buried your face in her neck. Her scent is so familiar, so comforting. Her skin was soft and kissable and you couldn't fight the urge to brush your lips against every inch of her neck that you possibly could.

Soon, she was letting out that adorable laugh you absolutely adore before she wrapped her arms around you.

The waves crashed outside the window on the beach, making it even more perfect.

"What should we do first?" She asked. "I mean, it's getting late but we should still have a couple of hours of sunshine left."

You rolled onto your back, cracking a smile as you pulled her back on top of you.

"We could draw our names in the sand," she grinned. "Or maybe we could go for a swim. We could see what kind of shops are in the area, maybe do a little shopping together. We could go for dinner, go for a walk. Watch the sunset. Your choice, baby girl."

"Maybe some dinner. The flight was a few hours long and I am a little hungry."

She nodded and went to move off of you to grab her shoes and treat you to a fancy meal anywhere your heart desired.

But you held her a little tighter, making it impossible for her to move. She just giggled and put her head on your chest, her lips brushing along your skin.

"I thought you said you're hungry."

"I am. But I don't want to move yet. I just want you to hold me. Let's bask in this moment for a few more minutes."

"Okay, baby." She whispered, pressing a kiss to your collarbones before she relaxed and held you close.

The silence in the air was comfortable. The only sounds were your soft breaths, along with Taylor's. Your fingers stayed intertwined as you hugged each other tight, never wanting to let go.

But she broke the silence a few seconds later, more words of how surreal this all seemed well from her lips.

"You're my wife, y/n..." she whispered, almost in awe. "This is it. This is when our future really begins. This is when we get to live out our dreams together. We could create a family of our own, buy a house in the middle of nowhere and live out our days with no one else around."

You chuckled, knowing that's the furthest thing from what both of you dreamt of, and it just wouldn't work when Taylor is still at the top of her career.

"We should adopt some cats together."

"We have three, Tay."

"So? There's a limit now?" She asked, lifting her head to lock eyes, only for you to throw your head back with a laugh.

"We can definitely consider that." You smiled, to which she nodded excitedly.

"I might do some songwriting later. Feel pretty inspired because of you and everything we've done lately. My muse, my wife," she whispered softly, lips brushing along your neck. "I can't wait to tell the entire world. I'm the luckiest woman ever."

You just held her close and tilted your head back with a smile as she kissed across your neck and your throat, leaving a few little marks behind.

"Think of all the places we can go, all the things we can do, all the adventures we get to have through this life together. It's so exciting to think about."

"I can't wait to experience it all with you, Tay."

She nodded with a smile, her hands cupping your cheeks softly as she brushed her nose against yours before pressing her lips onto yours for a sweet, loving kiss.

"Can't wait to fall even more in love with you each and every single day."

"Me neither." You said, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "You're so perfect."

"That's you, darling. You're the perfect one."

You giggled when she peppered kisses all across your face.

"I love you lots, my beautiful wife." She whispered, lips brushing against yours once more.

"Love you too, Taylor; to the moon and back, forever and always."

She continued to kiss you, promising that these next few days of your romantic honeymoon and every day of the rest of your lives would be everything you've ever dreamt of and more.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now