"this is who I am" (requested)

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"What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Taylor asked with a sweet smile on her face, her hands holding yours tightly as you sat on the sofa, nervous to tell her what was on your mind.

You're still in the beginning stages of your relationship. You've been together for a few weeks now and you've already promised each other to always listen without judgment when the other has something on their minds.

Taylor has been busy in the studio for most of the day, but you've been keeping something from her and told her that you really wanted to talk to her.

She came to your place as soon as she could, bringing some food and some films to watch together for a cute little date night.

She's pushed that all out of sight and out of mind for now though. She was more concerned about whatever was on your mind that seemed to be really important to you to talk to her about.

"I'm just a little nervous to tell you."

"You shouldn't be, y/n. I'm ready to listen whenever you're ready to talk. I swear that I won't judge you. Take your time." She said and stared at you with shiny eyes when you looked at her.

She takes your breath away. Not just with how insanely beautiful she is, both inside and out, but by how truly amazing she is.

She's so attentive, so kind, so non-judgmental. Shes become your safe place already. Your confidant, your biggest secret keeper. She's humble and has the biggest heart and you still can't figure out how you got so lucky to be able to call her yours.

"There's something about me that I haven't told you. I haven't hid it from you intentionally or anything like that. I'm just trying to learn more about me, too."

She nodded wordlessly, letting you know she was listening to every word you said.

"I want you to know that I'm non-binary. I've known for a little while now but I haven't told many people. I've only told people that I truly trust and the ones that are important to me. You're one of those people now. I wanted you to know. This is who I am, Tay."

"You are just amazing." She smiled. "I'm so happy that you trust me enough to tell me something so important to you."

You leaned into her touch as she continued to caress your cheek.

"I don't want this to come out the wrong way, because I don't want to scare you, because we haven't been together that long. But I need to say it, because I need you to know this. If that is part of who you are, then I will love you just the same. You're just as perfect as you've always been. If you are non-binary, I will do whatever you want me to in order to give you support and know that you're accepted and adored by me just the same as before."

"Thank you." You grinned, dropping your forehead onto hers.

"Tell me anything you want me to know about it. Tell me how you want me to address you, and I will address you as you desire from this point forward." She spoke softly, staring at you with soft and adoring eyes. "Whatever you want me to do, I'll do. You can tell me anything and you can trust me to always be here for you and stand up and with you always."

"You're amazing, Tay."

"You are the amazing one." She said, booping your nose playfully. "Don't be nervous to ever confide in me about things, especially if they're important to you. I want you to know that I support you and the things that are important to you are important to me. No secrets, no judgment. I swear that to you right now. You've always got a safe space to turn to and a shoulder to cry on."

"How'd I get so lucky?" You asked her as she gently pushed you on your back onto the sofa to hover over you and kiss across your face.

She giggled, repeating the words back to you and as she stared into your eyes, she knew right then and there that she'd do anything to see you that happy for as long as she'd live.

She'd always accept you for who you are; the real, genuine you. You'd never have a reason to be shy around her, for you'll always be more adored by her than you've ever been before.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now