"you lost" (requested)

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"Do you think you can do it? Because I don't think you can." Taylor taunted with a smirk on her face as you stood in front of each other.

"I can do this. I'm going to win." You confidently spoke but Taylor just shook her head with a smile.

Something on social media caught Taylor's eye today.

A challenge, basically.

One where a couple tried to cause each other gay panic by standing in front of each other and closing the distance without kissing.

Taylor wanted to do this with you and see who would win and who would cave first between you.

Now, Taylor is very good at causing you gay panic but you're determined to fight it so you can win.

"Ready?" She asked and you nodded.

"Yeah. You're going down, Tay."

"You wish." She scoffed. "It starts now."

You both went quiet and stared at each other, trying to think of ways to drive the other one crazy.

You watched as Taylor sensually brushed her tongue across her lower lip, smirking as a shaky sigh left your lips.

Your legs were already going weak and you realized that you were starting to lose - and much too soon.

So you started to drive Taylor wild by reaching out and caressing her skin, letting your hands travel up and down her body.

Since touching was allowed, you used that to your advantage.

You tried to make her cave with that but, deep down, it was making you crave her more.

Her soft and warm skin against your fingertips was making you wish that you were curled up in bed with her lips on yours, where you could touch her and hold onto her tight.

But it wasn't just that.

You were also going crazy by watching her bite her lip as she set her hands on your hips.

You looked at her lips, finding yourself struggling to resist the urge to kiss her.

"You want to kiss me, don't you, baby?" She smirked. "Do it."

"I can't, I don't want to lose." You said.

A chuckle fell from her lips as she leaned in, so close to kissing you but not quite.

She was just close enough to let her breath fan against your lips, driving you insane.

"It's okay to lose. Give in, baby girl. Kiss me, you know you want to."

You wanted that more than anything.

"Kiss me, darling." She said, sexily biting her lip.

And you couldn't say no.

You couldn't fight it any longer and you leaned in, putting your lips on hers for a kiss.

A passionate, deep kiss - one of the steamiest you and Taylor have ever shared.

You got lost in her and she quickly got lost in you, too.

She held you a little tighter as you shared more deep kisses while you put your hands in her hair, pulling at the strands.

"Baby?" She said, smirking as you pulled away with a groan.

"Don't say it."

"What? You can't handle it, darling? You lost, I won, I'm just saying." She said and watched you roll your eyes, causing her to laugh.

"Whatever. It was worth it." You said as you kissed her again. "So just shut up and kiss me."

"Whatever you want, baby girl." She smiled against your lips and pulled you closer as you continued to kiss each other passionately.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now