reacting to her vigilante sh!t performance (requested)

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You stood in the front row with your phone in your hand, ready to capture the next performance so Taylor could look back on it a bit later.

You know the next song she's performing and your heart is racing with excitement just thinking about her performing vigilante shit - one of your absolute favorites from the album.

"Draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man." Taylor sang and the crowd went crazy.

You couldn't help but smile proudly, just seeing all these fans in the crowd that adore her cheer at the top of their lungs for her.

She deserved all the love she always gets, and even more.

As the performance progressed, it seemed to get sexier.

Now, being her girlfriend, you've seen her rehearse for the tour at least a hundred times.

She worked so hard to make each song more interesting and special than the last.

However, Taylor has been very secretive about this performance.

For some reason, she never wanted you to see this one when it came to seeing her in rehearsals.

She told you that she wanted it to be a secret and she wanted you to see it live, so she could see your reaction then.

You didn't think much of it at the time.

But now... oh my.

You understand now why she was being so secretive about it.

Because she looked good.

"Picture me thick as thieves with your ex-wife. And she looks so pretty driving in your benz, lately she's been dressing for revenge." She sang, hand traveling across her body sexily.

"She don't start shit but she can tell you how it ends." She sang as she sexily lowered her body onto the chair. "Don't get sad, get even."

You were shocked, to say the least.

Your eyes went wider than ever and you couldn't help but bite your lip as you kept your gaze focused intensely on her.

It's the sexiest she's ever been on stage as well as the most confident and seeing her like this was driving you wild.

You tried not to react too much as you knew people were watching you to see your reaction but how could you not lose your mind when she was looking so hot and performing so sexily?

Your breath hitched and your heart pounded against your chest as you felt your legs growing weak.

You were loving this side of your girl.

Not just because you enjoyed seeing her enjoy herself on stage and seeing her be so confident in herself, but also because as she did so all the fans in the crowd knew one thing - that she was yours.

All yours.

You sank your teeth into your lip once more, biting it so hard you were surprised it didn't bleed as she suddenly looked over at you, her eyes locking with yours.

"So on the weekends, she don't dress for friends. Lately she's been dressing for revenge." She sang as she slowly stood up, not breaking the eye-contact for even a second

And your jaw practically hit the floor when you saw her move to stick her butt out slightly.

She smirked at you because she knew she had done what she really wanted to do - which was show off to you and make you want her more than you already do.

The fans were screaming at the top of their lungs while you just melted.

Melted over how good she looked and how she was all yours.

But, despite both of you hearing the loud screams and knowing that thousands of people were in the stadium with you - her eyes were on you and yours were on her, as it seemed as though no one else in the room existed for that moment.

"You look amazing, baby." You mouthed, biting your lip once again.

And she just sent you a wink before looking around as she went on to perform the rest of the song.

"You're so lucky, Y/N," Someone called out to you and you just smiled as you watched your girl, knowing that you were indeed the luckiest girl in the world.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now