she cries herself to sleep in your arms (requested)

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"Hey, Tay," You smiled as she entered the bedroom. "How was your day?"

She wordlessly shrugged her shoulders as she took off her shoes and her hoodie.

She was acting a little off.

Her shoulders were slumped and her head was hung.


She looked at you and that's when you saw the tears in her usually bright blue eyes.

"Oh, baby. What is it?" You spoke as you got off the bed and made your way over to her.

Pulling her into your arms, you hugged her tightly as she sniffled and a tear fell down her cheek.

"Did you have a bad day?"

She nodded her head and held you tight against her as she cried.

"Come here, darling. Let's go lay down and you can talk to me about it." You said and led her over to the bed.

You laid down and she put her head on your chest as she held onto you.

She buried her face in your neck and cried as you rubbed her back.

"Talk to me, baby."

She just shook her head in response.

She didn't feel up to talking about whatever was on her mind.

She just needed to cry it out.

Everyone has those days, including Taylor, and if she needed to cry it out you'd be more than happy to let her.

"It's okay, Tay. You're home now. Whatever happened is over now. I've got you."

She continued to cry, trembling as she did so.

It broke your heart to see.

You just love her so much and you'd do anything to make her feel better, no matter what that was.

But there was nothing you could do to make her feel better right now aside from being here for her and holding her as she cries.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?"

She nodded as she clutched your shirt in her hands.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled.

"Don't be sorry, my love. If you don't want to talk about it, I won't force you. Just know that I'm here for you; right here, darling."

She sniffled as her tears rolled down her cheeks and fell against your skin.

"Just know that I love you so much."

She sniffled and tried to say the words back to you but she was too choked up to do so.

But that was alright.

You know how she feels and you know she loves you endlessly, so you don't need her to say them back to you.

Instead, you just held her and kissed her as she sobbed.

"You're okay, baby." You spoke as you rubbed her back. "Are you alright?"

She didn't say anything in response or even nod her head.

So you looked at her and realized that she had fallen asleep.

It was a heartbreaking realization - she had cried herself to sleep.

You squeezed her tightly and pressed kisses to her head as she slept.

"I love you lots. Sleep tight, Taylor. I'm here for you." You said as you brushed your hand across her back, letting her know that you were there for her even as she slept.

You just hoped that she'd feel better when she opened her eyes.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now