wiping my girlfriend's kisses prank

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"Hey, baby." Taylor greeted as she walked through the door of your shared home. She came over to take a seat on the sofa beside you after she shrugged off her cardigan.

She sent you a bright smile and kissed your cheek lingeringly, ready to ask if your day had been as good as she hoped it had been for you. But she frowned when she watched you wipe the spot where she'd just kissed.

She couldn't help but feel a little confused when you sent her a small smile, as though you hadn't just broken a tiny piece of her heart by wiping away her kiss.

But she brushed it off and smiled back at you.

"I hope your day was good." She said and scooted closer to lay a kiss on your lips They lingered against your own for a sweet moment before she slowly pulled away with an adoring look in her eyes, for only you.

But it disappeared and her heart cracked a little in her chest when you wiped your lips to wipe away her kiss.

"Why are you doing that?" She asked and watched you furrow your eyebrows, as though you were the one that was confused.

"Doing what?"

She rolled her eyes a little and pecked your lips a few times, only to see you wipe them away yet again when she pulled back.

"That!" She huffed. "Why are you doing that? Why are you wiping away my kisses?"

She didn't give you a chance to explain before she sat back against the sofa and folded her arms over her chest with another huff.

She was obviously disappointed and upset and you couldn't help but feel bad for being the reason why she felt that way.

"Tay," you spoke sadly as you moved closer to her and placed your hand on her thigh. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings."

"What did you expect, y/n? You wiped my kisses away. That makes me sad. I love kissing you and you usually love it when I kiss you. Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong. I love your kisses. Always. It's just a prank, Tay."

She went wide-eyed over your words then gently pushed you away with a pout and sad eyes.


You nodded and leaned in to kiss her cheek and neck, peppering them everywhere you possibly could until she was giggling happily and putting her arms around you to pull you onto her lap, where she held you as close as she possibly could.

"Am I forgiven?"

"If you give me a kiss." She said and smiled when you pressed your lips onto hers to kiss her passionately.


She shrugged before moving to wipe away your kiss, only to laugh when you gasped.

"Gotcha, darling,"

You just put your arms around her neck and brought her in for a sweet kiss as she held you tighter.

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