drunk (requested)

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The knock on the front door made Taylor jump, quickly awakening her from her sleep.

She looked at the clock after opening her eyes, finding that it was just a little after two am. She looked around and found she was still on the sofa. She must've fallen asleep while waiting for you to get home.

The knock came again a few seconds later and she got up from the sofa.

"Coming," she said and walked to the door, opening it to find two of your friends standing there, holding you up with your arms around their necks so you'd be steady.

"Hey, Taylor." One of your friends said. "She got drunk. We tried calling you."

"I fell asleep. I guess I was sleeping so deep that I didn't hear my phone. I'm sorry about that."

Your friends slowly let you go and passed you over to Taylor, who quickly put her arms around you as your knees nearly gave out on you.

"I guess she got carried away again?"

"Yeah." Your other friend sighed.

"I told her not to get drunk. She said she wouldn't."

"Yeah, but you know y/n. She enjoys drinking and having a good time." Your friend said and Taylor just nodded, gazing at you with a sparkle in her eyes.

You were staring up at her with a goofy grin, reaching out to brush your fingertips against her cheek.

"You're so pretty, my baby."

"And you're so drunk, my baby." She said and you just rolled your eyes at her.

"We should get going. We've got an uber waiting to take us home. Have a good night."

"Thanks for getting her home safely!" Taylor called out as your friends walked away.

"No problem!" They called out before getting into their car.

"Okay, let's get you inside and into bed," Taylor said as she brushed her hand across your back.

"Have I told you how much I love you, Tay?" You asked, your words slurred from the alcohol in your system.

"Yes, darling. You tell me all the time. You know I love you more." She grinned before kissing your head. "Didn't I tell you not to get drunk tonight? You have work tomorrow. I know your friends wanted to go out but I knew you'd get carried away. That's why I was worried about you going."

"I'll be fine, Tay. You worry too much!"

She rolled her eyes as you stretched a few of your words out, so drunk you couldn't even speak properly.

"I worry because you're my girlfriend. I know you like having a good time but sometimes, you have to draw a line. Your body has a limit, whether you want to admit that or not."

"I know." You pouted.

"And I know you're going to have to take tomorrow off since you're bound to feel like shit from the hangover you'll have."

"You'll take care of me though, right?" You asked as you looked into her eyes with a serious gaze.

And even though she was annoyed over you getting drunk, even a little frustrated, she'd say - she couldn't help but smile over your question.

"Of course. I always will, because I love you so much and I care about you. Even when you're stubborn and won't listen to me and even when you know I know you better than you know yourself."

You stuck your tongue out at her and she laughed before hugging you close.

"I'm tired." You mumbled, feeling your ling night catch up to you.

"That's okay. You don't need to say anything else tonight. We'll talk more tomorrow and get you into bed for the night. But, in the morning, I will be patiently waiting for you to admit that I was  right."

"Whatever." You grumbled and she giggled before helping you up the stairs and into bed.

As soon as you were out of your dress and into your pajamas, your eyes were closed and you fell asleep.

Taylor got you some medicine and a bucket, just in case you couldn't make it to the bathroom early in the morning.

She got into bed and put her arm around you, holding you tightly as she drifted off to sleep.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now