reacting to her vigilante sh!t performance - part two (requested)

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"So, darling, what did you think of the show?" Taylor asked you as she sat down beside you in her dressing room.

The show just ended and although you tried to stay focused throughout the entire thing so you could enjoy seeing Taylor shine, you couldn't seem to think about anything after that performance.

"Uh, what?" You asked as you cleared your throat, still caught up in your thoughts.

"Did you like the show?" She asked with a small smile on her face.

"Yeah. Totally. It was... great."

"Are you alright? You seem a little off." She said as she put her hand on your thigh.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just I couldn't focus after... you know."

"No, what?"

"Your vigilante shit performance, Taylor!" You said with a whine as she laughed.

"You liked it?" She asked with a smirk.

"Liked it? Baby, it was so hot." You said and watched her smirk turn into a grin. "You looked so sexy!"

"What was your favorite part?"

"Oh, you already know. Definitely the chair part. That was, god," You paused. "I'm getting worked up just thinking about it. It was so sexy, Tay. You're sexy."

"Thank you, baby." She smiled before kissing your neck softly. "You know something? When I performed it, I was thinking about you."

"You were?"

"Oh, absolutely. I was hoping you were paying close attention."

"How could I not? You looked so good."

"Yeah?" She chuckled. "I was thinking about performing it for just you. I know there's a huge crowd with thousands of fans out there, but I felt like it was just us in the room."

"Oh, Tay," You sighed as she continued to kiss your neck.

"I was just thinking of you and your reaction to it. I wanted to surprise you with jt."

"Oh, I was surprised alright."

You giggled together.

"But I was only thinking of you when I was performing it."

"Now you're making me crave you even more." You said and watched her smile at you before she put her lips on yours for a passionate kiss.

"Good, because I'm craving you, darling. How about we make out until we have to go to the bus in a bit?"

"That sounds good to me." You said.

She pulled you into her lap and brought you in for another passionate kiss, an even steamier one than before.

You just sighed against her lips and kissed her back, enjoying these moments with her.

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