calling her mommy in public (requested)

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"Thank you!" Taylor politely told the host as they led you and Taylor over to your seats.

Tonight, Taylor is treating you to dinner at a fancy restaurant - a little something for you to enjoy before she heads out on tour.

Although you're tagging along, things are going to be quite hectic for a bit and she wanted to treat you to something nice before things become quite chaotic.

"Oh, gosh, everything looks amazing." She said as she opened up the menu.

While she concentrated on trying to find something to eat, you concentrated on her.

You couldn't seem to look away from her.

She looks so good as she sits there across from you, wearing a little black dress.

It brought out her beautiful blue eyes and made her long legs look even longer.

And it's driving you insane.

"Aren't you hungry, baby?" She asked upon noticing you not even opening your menu. "I thought you were looking forward to eating."

"I am hungry." You said before looking around. "I'm just not hungry for this."

"Oh? What are you hungry for then?" She asked and you looked around once more to make sure that nobody was watching you two or listening on.

And when you realized that everyone was focused on their food or their own conversation, you felt as though you were in the clear to say the two words on your mind.

"You, mommy."

Her blue eyes went wide before she smirked a little.

"Darling, we're in public."

"So? You look so good tonight, mommy. I just can't help myself."

Her breath hitched as the word left your lips once more.

"See, I know you wanted to do something special tonight but after seeing you in that dress, I wanted to just stay home. But you wanted to come out for dinner, so what was I supposed to do?" You asked as you shrugged your shoulders. "I had other things on my mind for tonight though but, oh well."

"Like what? Tell mommy." She practically demanded.

"You already know it, mommy." You said with a smile before reaching for your water and taking a few sips. "But it's okay. We'll just sit here for a few hours and eat dinner. That's what you want after all. Right, mommy?"

Before she could say anything, the waitress appeared at your side.

"Hello! What can I get for you two tonight?"

"Nothing, actually. I'm not so hungry anymore." Taylor said as she got up, grabbing her things in one hand and then yours in the other. "Let's go, Y/N."

"Okay?" You said before hurrying alongside Taylor to the car. "What's gotten into you, Tay? I thought you wanted to eat dinner."

"Excuse me?" She scoffed as you got into the car. "What did you call me?"


"Exactly. Only call me mommy." She smirked as she booped your nose. "And besides, your ideas of how to spend the night sound much better than mine. I think we should just go home."

"I like that idea, mommy."

"Me too, darling." She smiled as she placed her hand on your thigh, looking forward to the night ahead with you.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now