lucky (requested)

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Your palms were sweating and your knees were shaking as you stood at the altar with anticipation.

Your friends are surrounding you while yours' and Taylor's families are in the room, sitting and waiting with excitement as they wait for Taylor to enter the room.

The day has come... finally.

You've been counting them down, planning every moment out with Taylor to make this wedding a dream come true for the both of you.

Somehow though, it's even more perfect and even more beautiful than you imagined it would be.

And you know it's only going to get better, as your soon-to-be-wife is about to enter the room and leave everyone in awe.

The music began to play and your heart started to pound against your chest as you watched the doors open. Scott and Taylor entered the room, her arm in his as everyone stood up.

Meanwhile, you were struggling to stay standing. Your knees were close to buckling as Taylor got closer and closer.

You were mesmerized by her. You know you're the luckiest woman in the world. You've got the most beautiful woman by your side and you get to love her forever.

She's taken your breath away every day for the last three years that you've been together but tonight... she looks more beautiful than ever.

You've got tears in your eyes just staring at her, looking at her from head to toe. From her long blonde hair to the beautiful veil in it to the stunning dress she chose.

She just looked so... gorgeous.

You tried to hold it together as Scott let her go and she stood right in front of you but it was impossible and the tears of happiness began to fill your eyes.

"Y/N," She whispered, chuckling as she reached over to stroke your cheek.

"I'm sorry, Tay. You just look so beautiful. I can't help it."

You laughed together as she put her forehead on yours.

"You're taking my breath away. You always manage to but... now more so than ever before. Your dress is so pretty. You are just... perfect."

She chuckled, staring into your eyes with tears in hers.

"You're the most beautiful woman in the world. Inside and out." She whispered softly, brushing her thumb along her cheek. "You're about to be my wife and I'm the luckiest woman in the world."

It took everything in the both of you not to steal a kiss. The moment was so perfect. It was everything you've ever dreamt of.

But it wouldn't be long until you could share your first kiss as a married couple and as hard as it might be, you would wait so the moment could be even more special.

"I love you." You said.

"I love you too." She smiled. "Now, let's get married, darling."

You looked away from each other and out to your families and friends before looking back at each other, ready for the rest of your lives together.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now