you freak out over the cats after surgery (requested)

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"Okay, baby, right through here," Taylor said as she guided you through the front door.

She's got one of her hands on the small of your back and another on your hip as you walk as you're still pretty out of it from your wisdom teeth removal and she's worried about you.

"We are home." She sighed in relief. "Do you want to go upstairs or stay down here on the sofa for a while?"

What she received as an answer was a loud and startled gasp from you and she immediately panicked.

"What is it, darling?"

You stepped behind her and peeked over her shoulder, looking ahead at the cats that were playing and roaming through the living room.


Taylor looked back at you and then at the cats before bursting into laughter.

She knew that getting your wisdom teeth pulled tends to make a lot of people pretty loopy.

But thinking that the cats, whom you adore so much, are monsters isn't what she expected at all.

"Monsters? Baby, they're cats!" She giggled.

"It's not funny." You mumbled. "They're monsters!"

"Honey, they are not monsters. It's okay. They're not going to hurt you." She said as she gently grabbed you, putting you back in front of her.

You hesitantly made your way to the staircase, where Olivia was laying sound asleep on the last step.

You whined and clutched Taylor's shirt so tight that she thought you might tear it.

"Shh, it's okay." She comfortingly said as she held back her laughter and helped you towards the first step.

It was still pretty funny to your girlfriend.

But she could sense that you were genuinely frightened, so she was doing her best to hide her giggles and comfort you.

"It's okay, just go around her." She said as she helped you move around the precious sleeping kitty and take the first step. "She'll be fine."

You nervously stepped around the cat, who awoke and lifted her head to see what was going on.

But when she saw that it was just you and Taylor, she put her head back down and began to purr as she slowly fell back asleep.

"See, darling? She's not a monster. She's purring because she loves you."

You bent down to brush your hand across her soft fur and she meowed as she continued to purr.

"Cute little monster."

Taylor giggled and helped you up the rest of the steps before leading you to the bed.

"Get cozy."

You did as she said and closed your tired eyes, only for them to fly back open when you got startled by something jumping onto your stomach.

You opened your eyes and saw that it was Benjamin and he was trying to snuggle up to you as if he was trying to comfort you through any pain and discomfort that you felt.

"You feel okay with him laying on you?" Taylor asked as she laid down next to you. "I can move him."

"No. He's cute." You said as you closed your eyes.

Taylor felt much better seeing you cozy with Benjamin cuddled up to you.

And she hoped that when you woke up, you'd realize that he's not a monster but rather a gentle and sweet kitty who absolutely adores you.

Either way though, she'd certainly be teasing you about this when you were no longer out of it.

It was too hilarious for her not to.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now