she gets sick on a road trip (requested)

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"This is going to be so great. I can't wait to get to our destination!" You excitedly said as you pulled the car out of the driveway.

Taylor made sure her seatbelt was buckled before she put her head back against the seat and closed her eyes.

It's a cloudy day.

The sky is grey and it looks like it might rain.

As much as you don't like to drive in the rain, it wouldn't stop you today because you and Taylor are going on a road trip.

You're going a few hours away to a cozy cabin for a few days.

It's what you've been waiting for and it'll be perfect bonding time for the three of you.

Yes, the three of you.

You've been waiting so long and you've been trying so hard to start a family together and, finally, it was happening.

You've been waiting to sneak away and get a little alone time but until recently, she hasn't felt like it.

Her morning sickness is still lingering but shes felt much worse over the last few weeks with bad mood swings, bad fatigue, headaches, and hot flashes, all on top of the morning sickness.

But she's feeling better and more like herself, despite getting sick here and there from time to time.

Now that she's thirteen weeks along, she's happy to go away with you for a few days and enjoy some quality time together.

But Taylor was having second thoughts.

Because as you started to drive, she started to feel sick.

"Tay? Are you okay, my love? Why are you so quiet?" You asked as you reached a red light, stopping and then looking at her.

Taylor knows how excited you've been for this trip so she tried to swallow it down and deny how unwell she was starting to feel.

"I'm fine, baby. We're fine. No worries." She said before kissing your cheek. "I'm just a little tired. I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Try and close your eyes. We have a long drive so you can just curl up and rest." You said as the light turned green.

Taylor didn't think rest would do her any good right now with how sick she was feeling.

But she didn't want to worry you or turn around to go back home and make you sad, so she put her seat back a little and closed her eyes to try and get a little sleep.

But as the minutes went by, she felt sicker and sicker.

And, eventually, it was too much.

She sat up as her stomach started to turn and with how quickly she moved, you immediately grew concerned.

"Y/N, I need you to pull over."

"What?" You asked, going wide-eyed.

"I'm going to be sick. Please, pull over." She pleaded and a few seconds later, you pulled the car onto the shoulder of the road and put it in park.

As soon as you did, she opened the door and started to throw up outside the car.

"Oh, baby." You said as you got out of the car and rushed to her. "It's okay, baby. You're okay, just let it out."

She threw up for a couple of minutes while you held back her hair and comforted her through it.

She worried about people seeing her get sick, which was an embarrassing thought for her.

But you quickly assured her that no one was watching as they drove by before you helped her into the car.

"Have you been feeling sick for a while?" You asked as you got back into the car.

"Yeah." She confessed.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I know how excited you've been for this trip and I didn't want to ruin that."

"Taylor, baby, the only reason I've been excited about it is to spend time with you. But we don't have to go away to do that, especially if you're feeling sick."

"So you won't be upset if we turn around and go home?" She asked as you brushed your fingers through her hair.

"Not at all. It's okay. We'll go some other time." You said. "We're not that far from home. We'll be there in about thirty minutes. Do you think you'll be okay until then?"

"Yeah. I feel a little better." She said. "I might close my eyes for a few."

"Go ahead, darling."

She closed her eyes and began to drift off into a light sleep as you began to drive home, relieved that she was feeling better.

You couldn't help but smile a little as you stared at her when you'd hit a red light here and there, so in love with your girl and the little human that will join the world before you know it.

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