confessing to her while drunk - part one (requested)

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"Hey, Taylor? You said you're going to be heading home in a few minutes, right?" One of yours' and Taylor's mutual friends asked as she walked through the crowd of people at the party to get to Taylor.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Well, I was wondering if you could take y/n with you? She's wasted and I think she needs to go home and get some rest. I think she's going to be really hungover in the morning and I'm afraid if we don't cut her off now, she might get really sick."

Taylor nodded her head, more than happy to help care for you.

"No problem. I'm just going to grab my jacket and my things and I'll get her and drive home."

Your friend nodded and walked away as Taylor began to walk to a different room to grab her jacket.

She was feeling extremely thankful that she didn't allow herself to get too carried away tonight.

Everyone wanted her to and she won't deny that she wanted to drink a little more than she usually would so she could let her hair down and let everything go after a hard week.

But she got drunk just last weekend and she doesn't want to get into the habit of doing that too often.

Plus, she doesn't want to deal with a hangover in the morning.

But now, she's feeling especially thankful she made that decision because she only had a shot or two and feels perfectly sober.

This meant that she gets to be the one to take you home and help look out for you through the night.

The last part was exactly necessary.

No one told her that she needed to.

But, as a good friend, she's more than happy to do that.

Although it's more than just her wanting to be a good friend.

She's crazy about you and instinctively feels the need to care for you and make sure that if you woke up and needed anything, she could be right there to get it for you.

She snapped out of her thoughts a few seconds later and grabbed her jacket.

She put it on and walked back into the other room where you and all of your other mutual friends were at.

Her phone, purse, and keys were all on one of the chairs.

She grabbed them, putting the strap of her purse over her shoulder before she turned her attention to you.

"Ready to go, babe?"

It's something she often calls you. But it secretly makes your heart skip a beat each time that name, amongst the others, falls from her lips for you.

You giggled at the name and she furrowed her eyebrows with a smile on her face, confused over what you were laughing about but smiling over whatever that was anyway.

The sound was too precious to her to stop herself from smiling at it.


"Okay. Let's get going. Lean on me, I've got you." She promised and helped you out of the house and down the steps to her car.

She buckled you up and then got into the driver's seat, driving you back to your place.

"You're staying right?" You slurred and Taylor giggled as she nodded her head, finding you to be absolutely adorable when you're drunk.

She pulled out the extra key she has to your place and then helped you out of the car before getting you safely inside your home.

"I don't feel so hot."

"Well, that's because you had a lot to drink." She reminded you. "But that's okay. I'm going to take care of you. We'll get you into your bed and you can get some sleep."

"You're so sweet, Taylor."

She smiled at you as you reached the top step, her arms wrapped securely around you.

"It's one of the many things I love about you."

She couldn't deny that her heart skipped a beat upon hearing those words.

But you're drunk and so, she thought you either meant as a friend or that you were so drunk you didn't exactly mean it that way if that's what you were implying.

"Just looking out for you."

"See? That's what I mean. You're just so sweet. I love you so much. But I know you'd never feel that way about me."

"Babe, you're drunk." She spoke softly as she sat you down on the edge of your bed. "I don't think you know or mean what you're saying."

"But I do! I love you, Taylor. More than a friend. I might be very drunk but I know what I feel for you. I know what I've felt for you for the longest time now. I'm in love with you!"

You slurred every word and Taylor could practically smell the alcohol on your breath. But it melted her heart nonetheless.

She wanted to tell you that she felt the same. Oh, she's wanted to tell you that for so long. But you're drunk and even though you say you mean it, she can't help but worry that you might not.

"I'm going to help you out of these clothes."

You smirked at that and watched her roll those bright blue eyes of hers.

"Not like that!"

You giggled as she walked to the closet, grabbing one of your sweaters before getting you a pair of your pajama bottoms.

She helped you out of your dress, letting it fall to the floor, and then she helped you into your pajamas.

You yawned as you laid your head on the pillow and with tired eyes, you watched as she tucked you in.

"Sleep tight." She smiled.

"Please tell me you feel the same, Tay." You mumbled as you closed your eyes, drifting off to sleep.

And she knew you were probably asleep by the time she got the courage to speak the words back to you. But she couldn't help but say it anyway, because she does feel the same and she has for so long.

"I'm in love with you too."

You only replied by snoring because, just as she thought, you were sound asleep.

But she just smiled and stroked your cheek before giving it a sweet kiss.

"Goodnight, cutie."

She grabbed a pillow and blanket from the closet and put them on the floor.

That's where she'd sleep tonight; close enough to be there when and if you need anything but not too close, so you can still have your space.

She closed her eyes, whispering goodnight to you once more before she fell asleep, hoping you'd dream about her tonight, too.

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