tease - part three (requested)

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Despite how heavy your eyes were when Taylor walked out the door earlier this morning, you found it impossible to fall back asleep.

Your mind was wandering. Part of you felt regretful for starting this whole teasing thing yesterday because the taste that you got of your own medicine definitely wasn't good. But another part of you almost wanted to continue the teasing.

You waited impatiently for her to return home. You tried to occupy yourself with reality tv and playing with the cats or scrolling through social media to see what fans were talking about.

But time dragged by and part of you wondered if Taylor was dragging it out purposely, like she was staying later with the knowledge of you waiting for her, probably feeling as displeased as she felt when you pulled her head out of the clouds by teasing her yesterday.

But she finally arrived home a few hours later. You were sat on the sofa waiting for her. She was all smiles, greeting you with that beautiful grin that you love so much.

"Hey, baby. How was your day?"

You didn't reply with a sarcastic remark like she thought you would or give her a glare. Instead, you walked over to her and took ahold of her hand before you led her up the stairs.

She had to admit that she was curious about what you were planning. Part of her wondered if this teasing cycle was never gonna end, if that's what you had up your sleeve again.

But what she saw when you stood in the bedroom was definitely unexpected.

You had lit a few candles to make everything romantic and she blushed a little when she heard music start to play; her music, the most romantic songs she's ever put out.

"I missed you." You whispered as you looped your arms around her neck. "And I wanted to say sorry for teasing you yesterday. I found out this morning just how unfair it is and I'm sorry I started it."

She smiled at you as you leaned in to kiss her softly.

"It's okay. But what are you up to? Are you planning on teasing me again? Tell me honestly!" She said with a smile on her face.

You just giggled and brought her in for another kiss, mumbling against her lips that you promised you had no plans of teasing her up your sleeve and simply wanted to give her some love and affection.

She melted right into you, letting you deepen the kiss while she laid you on the bed and hovered over you. She placed her hand on your side, planning on slipping it beneath your shirt to feel your warm skip against her fingertips, only for you to take it into yours and intertwine your fingers affectionately.

"I love you," you whispered against her lips, only receiving a soft sigh falling from her lips and kisses along your neck in response. "I promise to never tease you like that again if you promise not to do the same."

She hummed against your skin before pulling away to think about it, only to burst into laughter when you playfully shoved her shoulder.

"I make no promises." She warned playfully. "Just remember, baby girl," she said as she placed her lips back on your neck and began to kiss along your soft skin, leaving little marks behind that you just melted into. "There's nothing I do better than revenge."

You couldn't help but roll your eyes as she sent you a smile, patting herself on the shoulder from her lyrical pun.

In response, you simply stared into her bright eyes and found her leaning in to kiss you again, only for you to take her by surprise by flipping her over onto her back.

You hovered over her and pulled her into a deep and passionate kiss. You gently placed your hand on her cheek as you moved your lips romantically against hers while you caressed her sides lovingly, causing her skin to tingle again.

As lover began to play, she became putty in your hands; finding all of her worries fading away as you shared loving kisses and put an end to the teasing and began to make out to call it all even.

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