falling asleep on facetime (requested)

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The sound of your phone chiming with the familiar FaceTime tone startled you awake.

You quickly opened your eyes and looked around the room, realizing that you had unexpectedly fallen asleep as you left all of the lights on and your laptop open in front of you.

Reaching for your phone as it continued to ring, you saw that it was Taylor calling you.

You excitedly answered and when you saw her face, you instantly felt a rush of love flood over you.

"Hi, my love. I didn't wake you, did I? I know it's late back home." She said and you shook your head.

For her, it's only a little after three in the afternoon.

She's in Tokyo at the moment, performing there for the next few nights for her excited and incredible fans.

It's her last stop on what was a huge tour, even bigger and better than her others, which said a lot.

But it's almost time for bed for you.

You had a long day and you're completely exhausted, hence why you had fallen asleep unexpectedly.

"No, Tay. Don't worry, you didn't wake me."

It might've been wrong to lie to her but you did it out of love because you know if you'd told her the truth, she would've hung up and had you go back to sleep.

And you want to talk to her.

"How has your night been so far? What have you been up to?" She asked.

"It's been good. Truthfully, I've been having a lazy evening. I had a long and busy day so I've just been curled up in bed with Netflix on."

She smiled as she caught a glimpse of what you had on.

"Wearing your Lover crewneck, huh?"

You nodded happily, so in love with it for many reasons.

"You look so cute, baby."

"Thanks, Tay." You smiled back at her. "How has your day been so far? Excited for tonight's show?"

"Yeah! I'm so excited. They were so loud last night and I can't wait to perform for them again. It's been a good day so far. It's warm and sunny outside and I've been going around the city, sightseeing a bit in between rehearsing for the show tonight."

"That sounds amazing."

"I'll show you photos when I get home. I also got a few things for you."

"You didn't have to do that, baby."

"I know but I wanted to." She grinned and you were about to do the same in return when you suddenly yawned, feeling the sleepiness return. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." You said.

"You look so sleepy." She said as she lovingly stared at you through the screen.

"I am."

"Then I'll let you go so you can sleep."

"No, Tay! Not yet. Please."

She sighed before nodding in agreement.

"But at least lay down and relax. Turn off the lights and get cozy under the blankets."

You did as she asked and put your laptop on the charger on the desk before turning the lights off.

You still had Netflix on, your favorite show playing.

You got curled up on Taylor's side of the bed, under her blankets with your head on her pillow.

"Talk to me about the tour so far. Just tell me stories. I want to hear about it."

"Okay, baby." She smiled and started to talk to you about meeting fans and enjoying her stays at different places around the world as she travels and performs.

The sound of her voice brought you comfort and before you knew it, you fell asleep again.

Taylor just chuckled happily and took a couple of screenshots before staring at you.

"Only a few more days, darling. I'll be home soon and I will spoil you with cuddles and kisses."

She listened to you breathe and watched you sleep for a moment.

"Have sweet dreams, baby. I love you so much."

She blew you a kiss before ending the call, letting you get some rest.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now