she gets hurt on stage (requested)

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You held Taylor's hand as she made her way out of her dressing room and down the hall of the backstage area. She gave it a squeeze as butterflies filled her stomach.

Every step you took was one step closer to the stage. The screams of the excited fans that filled the stadium filled her ears, causing her heart to pound in excitement.

"You're going to do amazing tonight, Tay. You always do." You smiled as you kissed her cheek.

"Thanks, baby." She said as she came to a stop. She took a deep breath and then kissed your lips lovingly and made her way out to the stage.

You could hear the screams growing louder as she appeared on stage. It filled your heart with love. After all she's been through, it makes you so happy to see her surrounded by love. You know she's got the biggest heart and the love is always reciprocated. It brings you endless joy.

With her newest album recently dropping and breaking records like always, she was back on stage, pouring her heart and soul out into every song and performance.

You're so proud of her, always finding it so surreal but so well deserved over all of her accomplishments.

You cheered for her, so loudly that she turned her head to look your way with those big blue eyes and that bright smile you adore so much.

She was only on her second song. She worked so hard on this choreography, nailing each and every step. She's performed it every night until night, flawlessly.

But as she went to put her foot on the ground, she landed the wrong way, and there was a loud crack coming from her ankle. It took her to the ground instantly. The pain sank in. It was awful; so bad she clenched her teeth and let out a little shriek.

The fans went quiet, mumbling to each other in shock over how fast everything happened and how Taylor seemed to be in so much pain.

You ran on stage, along with a few other people like guards and medics. You put your hand over hers and she dropped her head onto your shoulder, teeth gnawing at the skin of her lip as the pain got more intense.

"I think you fractured your ankle, Taylor," one of the medics said, to which her eyes went wide. "We have to end the show and get you all fixed up."

"No, no," she shook her head, gazing at the crowd with tears in her eyes. "I have to finish. I can finish."

That was just Taylor. She doesn't end or cancel shows. She pushes through. No matter the weather, no matter what's happening in her life - she always puts her best foot forward and goes on stage to live out her dreams and see the fans she adores so much.

But she can't get through this. She's too terribly injured to even try.

"Tay," you whispered, your touch comforting her. "You can't do it. They're gonna understand, trust me. You can refund and reschedule and none of them will think less of you."

She knew you were right. So she didn't push it any further and let them carry her off the stage and back to her dressing room, her hand wrapped in yours the entire time.

It was a long night. Taylor let out a few tears. Not just from the pain. But because of the sadness she felt. She leaned on you as much as she could until they took her in for some surgery to fix the terrible fracture.

She was gonna be okay. And a few hours later, you sat in the chair in her hospital room. You held her hand as she scrolled through social media to look at what her fans were saying.

"This is just wonderful." She spoke sarcastically before she groaned.

"Why? They're all being understanding and supportive."

"Yeah, but it's gonna be a while before I can go back on stage. I miss them."

"I know. But everyone is holding onto their tickets. In about six or seven weeks, you'll be as good as new and you can be out on that stage again."

She sighed and squeezed your hand.

"I guess if I'm stuck at home for six or seven weeks, at least I've got you by my side."

"The entire time, Tay. I will be right there through it all with you. I'll take good care of you, I promise."

"You always do." She smiled, brushing her thumb along your knuckles. "It's one of the countless reasons why I love you so much."

You smiled at her and kissed her sweetly before pulling back to caress her cheek. Staring into those big, bright blue eyes, you knew the lack of sleep and the worry you felt was worth it.

Because she was gonna be just fine.

In no time, she'll be back to that energetic and bright woman that she is. She'll be back out there, making fans' dreams come true.

But, in the meantime, you've got so much time to spend with her while you take care of her. You'll happily wait on her hand and foot for the next seven weeks; you know she'd do the same for you in a heartbeat.

You just love her so much and you're so thankful that she's going to be just fine.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now