you are the best thing that's ever been mine (requested)

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Part three to 'we've got a whole lifetime ahead of us' !


The feeling of Taylor's soft lips on your shoulder is what awoke you from your slumber.

You slowly opened your eyes and turned your head to find her already staring at you.

Her bright blue eyes were sparkling and it reminded you of last night and how stars remained in them through the entire physical and intimate experience you shared together.

"Good morning!" She smiled as she took your hands into hers, intertwining your fingers together. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm great, Tay," You said as you turned onto your back. "So great."

"Yeah?" She asked as she brushed her thumb across your knuckles. "You're not feeling sore or feeling any regrets about last night?"

"Regrets? No, Taylor, not at all. I'm happy. Taking that step last night felt so right. There's no one else I'd rather be intimate like that with. You're amazing."

Just thinking back to last night made you breathe out a contented sigh.

You remember every moment.

She treated you like an absolute queen, praising you nonstop as she called you the sweetest and most loving names and said the sweetest things.

It was incredible and you know there's no one in this world that would've treated you better.

It only proved to you, even more, that she's the one that's meant for you forever.

"Tell me what's going on inside that sexy brain of yours." Taylor said as she noticed you getting caught up in your thoughts.

"I'm just thinking about last night and you." You said as you began to play with the fingers. "I can't get over how special it was. I always imagined, when I was ready to take that step, it would be so perfect."

"And it was?"

"Taylor, it was better than that. I can't even find the words to say. It was just amazing."

"I agree with that." She said as she scooted closer to you. "It was wonderful and I'm so happy that we got to take that step together. I'm so happy I was able to show you how much you mean to me and how in love with you I am. Because you are the best thing that's ever been mine and you deserve to be treated like it."

You shared a sweet smile and then a kiss before she laid her forehead on yours.

"I feel happy and loved. Thank you for making me feel so good. I can't wait until we get to share moments like that again."

"Me neither, baby girl." She said before pecking your lips. "I'd say let's do that now but I need some breakfast and so do you. So let's get some food and see where the day takes us."

You got out of bed together and went downstairs to the kitchen, where you cooked and ate breakfast while holding onto each other, knowing that there was no one else either of you would be experiencing moments like last night with other than each other.

She was yours and you were hers, forever.

And she couldn't wait to physically express her love for you to you once more.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now