let me take care of you (requested)

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As soon as you heard the front door open, you turned your head away from the film you've been watching to keep yourself entertained while waiting for Taylor to get home.

You watched her drag her feet through the door. She looked so tired and, instinctively, you wanted to do nothing but pull her into your arms and make her feel better.


She lifted her gaze from her feet when she heard your voice. She sent you a small smile and came over to you, falling onto the sofa beside you before pulling you onto her lap and in her arms for a warm and comforting hug.

"Are you okay, Tay?" You asked worriedly against her neck, pulling your face away to gaze into her beautiful blue eyes.

She nodded wordlessly.

"Are you sure? You're quiet." You spoke softly, brushing your thumbs under her eyes.

You could see the dark circles under them from her lack of sleep. She's been busy. Her brain doesn't seem to ever turn off. Between re-recording her albums and always feeling inspired to write new songs, she's struggling to sleep lately.

"My voice is just tired, baby." She spoke quietly, clearing her throat as the words left her lips. "My throat is a little sore and my voice is fading a little."

"That's because you always work so hard."

"Can't help it. I'm inspired a lot and I love what I do. Now that I can re-record my albums, I'm trying to get them done. I'm really excited about all of them and I know the fans want them-"

"Taylor," you interrupted, placing both your palms on her cheeks ever so softly. "Slow down."

She nodded and closed her eyes for a second.

"I know you're excited about all the things you get to do now. I know you live and breathe for your music. I know you're always inspired to write. But you can't keep pushing yourself this hard. You're just one person."

She sighed and opened her eyes to stare into yours, her forehead falling against your own as she cracked a small smile.

"Your fans adore you. I know you love them all with every piece of your big beautiful heart. But they'll wait. They know you're just one person and you go through a lot. They wouldn't want you to push yourself like this. I know you want to get new stuff out to them as soon as you can, but I know they'll be ready whenever you are. So, slow down a little. Let your voice rest. You've got all the time in the world."

"How are you so amazing?" She asked as she brushed her thumb along your lips and then slowly leaned in for a kiss. "Thank you."

"Shh." You shushed softly, placing your index finger against her soft and kissable pink lips, smiling when she puckered her lips and they brushed against the pad of your finger ever so lovingly. "No more talking for a little while. You let your voice rest."

She rolled her eyes with a sigh, knowing that was going to be so much easier said than done. She laughed a little when you playfully tickled her sides and happily moved her lips against yours when you gave her another sweet kiss.

"I love you. Let me take care of you for the rest of the evening. I'll make your favorite and we'll curl up with the cats and watch a movie together."

She nodded with a much brighter smile and pecked your lips once more before she loosened her grip on you.

You grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and placed it over her lap. You playfully booped her nose and she couldn't help but giggle and scrunch it up adorably.

"You're so cute, Tay." You grinned and kissed the corners of her lips. "I'll be right back."

You left the room and returned a little while later with a bowl of her favorite food, which she happily shared with you. You comfortably laid your head on her shoulder and turned on her favorite movie as you ate together and cuddled with the cats, making her worries fade away and her heart almost burst with all the love and happiness she felt.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now