you catch her head cold (requested)

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Taylor sat up in bed with a yawn before stretching her arms out over her head.

She's only been awake for a minute but already, she can feel the difference.

The last few days, she's been struggling with a terrible head cold and has been performing on the reputation tour despite that.

However, for the first time in a long few days, she's feeling a little better.

She thanks you for that as you've been the one that has been taking care of her and now that she's feeling better, all she wants is to give you a big hug and thank you for being so wonderful.

However, as she looked beside her in the hotel bed, she noticed that you were still sleeping.

Usually, you're awake by now.

But she didn't think too much of it at first.

She just figured that you must be tired from taking care of her and waiting on her hand and foot.

She laid back down and scooted closer to you before gently laying her hand on your cheek to softly caress it.

And that's when she realized that you felt feverish.

It wasn't bad, just something low-grade... exactly like her fever had been.

"Y/N? Baby, wake up." She said worriedly as she shook your shoulder.

You slowly woke up, letting out a groan as you did so.

"What is it, Tay? Do you need something?"

"No, baby. I'm feeling better. I'm just worried about you. Do you feel okay?"

You opened your eyes and shook your head.

"I feel pretty crummy."

"I think you caught my head cold."

She put her hand on your forehead, confirming that you were running a fever.

"You're warm."

You raised your elbow up to your lips and coughed into it and Taylor frowned when she noticed just how miserable you looked.

"My throat hurts." You said before reaching for a tissue and blowing your nose.

Your body was aching and you had a headache, all things that Taylor felt when she was sick.

"You've definitely caught my head cold." She said as she brushed her fingers through your hair.

She kissed your forehead softly before getting up and grabbing the medicine she'd been taking.

"Here, darling. Take this." She said as she held the cup of medicine out for you to take.

As much as you dreaded the way it tasted, you still grabbed it and swallowed it down in hopes that you'd feel better soon.

"I feel awful." You groaned. "I'm so tired."

"You need to go back to sleep." She said as she laid back down beside you.

Pulling you into her arms, you protested at first.

"No, Tay, what if you get sick again?"

"I don't care. I want to cuddle you and try to make you feel better, just as you did for me."

You looked into her eyes with your heavy ones.

"I feel so bad that you caught my sickness because you took care of me." She said in sadness.

"Don't, Tay. It was worth it." You said and watched her smile before closing your eyes again. "I can handle being sick. I'll feel better in no time. I've got you here."

She smiled and kissed your temple lovingly.

"I love you." She said. "Get some rest. I'll be right here if you need me."

"I love you too." You said. "You have another show tomorrow."

"So? I'll still be here to take care of you, baby." She said as she brushed her fingers across your side softly. "If you feel better, you can come to watch me. If not, you should just rest."

"Like I'm going to miss seeing my girl shine." You said with a sleepy smile.

You didn't see it since your eyes were closed but Taylor cracked the biggest smile upon hearing those words leave your lips.

"Feel better soon, okay, baby?" She said as she held you tighter.

"Okay." You mumbled before laying your head on her chest, drifting off to sleep as she held onto you.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now