tease - part two (requested)

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Your day with Taylor had come to an end faster than you imagined. You fell asleep curled up with each other, comfortable and cozy all through the night.

But soon, the morning came and the sound of Taylor's alarm quickly woke her. She had some time to spare, purposely setting it earlier so she could get her revenge on you before she has to go.

She quickly got dressed and brushed her hair and teeth before she gazed over at you on the bed. She smirked to herself, ready to get some revenge on you for what you did yesterday.

She crawled into bed and hovered over you. She leaned in and began peppering kisses along your neck. She didn't hold back, immediately making them deep and passionate on every inch of your skin, even gently sinking her teeth in gently to leave little love bites behind.

Your eyes fluttered open and a soft sigh instantly left your lips.


"Good morning, beautiful girl." She whispered, humming against your skin, knowing it would drive you wild.

"What's this for?"

"Can't I love on my baby girl?" She wondered, gazing up at you with the most beautiful eyes.

You were in a daze; both from her kisses and the sleepy feeling that lingered still. You didn't think twice, not even remembering what you did to her yesterday.

"I'm not complaining." You clarified, causing her to smile and kiss up to your lips. She kissed the corners ever so lovingly then moved to lay a passionate kiss against your lips.

You laced your fingers through her blonde hair, tugging at the locks just slightly so you could get her to melt into you.

You felt dizzy, head spinning as she kissed you deeply and refused to part. She moved her hand to your thigh, brushing the tips of her fingers along your skin delicately and lovingly.

You were putty in her hands... just like she wanted you to be.

She bit your lip before she pulled back, smirking as you stared up at her before her alarm blared once more.

"Oops... would you look at the time! Can't be late." She said and climbed off the bed to reach for her shoes.

"What? Taylor, what the hell? That wasn't nice!"

"Ahh, not so nice when the shoe is on the other foot, now is it?" She turned to face you, smiling as you pouted as everything clicked for you. "Told you I could tease you too. Now we're even, darling. Have a good day!" She yelled before walking out the door.

She left you amazed yet unsatisfied while she was practically patting herself on the back, proud of how she pulled it off and hoping that you finally learned your lesson about teasing her.

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