speak now or forever hold your peace (requested)

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Taylor quickly turned her head to look over at the door as soon as she heard the knock coming from the other side of it.

"One second!" She said as she finished the final touches of her makeup before she walked to the door.

She turned the knob and opened the door just a crack, just enough to peek out of it and see who was standing there.

To her surprise, it was you, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw your face.

"Y/N!" She said ecstatically and opened the door all the way. "come in, come in!"

You entered the room and she closed the door behind you. When it was closed, she turned to face you and stared at you with those big beautiful blue eyes.

She looked stunning. You couldn't help the way your jaw dropped over seeing her standing there in that beautiful white dress. The sight made her giggle a little and she turned around, doing a little spin, and you beamed at the sight.

"You look so pretty."

"Thank you." She said. "I'm so happy you're here! You said you didn't know if you'd be able to make it because of work and stuff."

"Yeah, well, things changed and I was able to get out of everything. It's your special day. I wanted to be here for you."

You wondered if she could tell that you were lying.

You didn't have anything holding you back from being here tonight except your doubts and heartache.

You didn't think you'd be able to handle this night.

Seeing the woman that you're in love with marrying someone else was going to be so difficult and you knew it would be the greatest heartbreak you've ever had before.

But she's also your best friend and you don't know if you could live with yourself knowing you weren't there on her special day.

Because although you're head over heels in love with her and you can't stand the woman she's marrying, you think you can be strong enough to support her as your friend and try to put your feelings aside for tonight.

"Are you sure?" She asked, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"What do you mean?"

"That you had work stuff."

"Oh. That. Uh, yeah, I mean-"

"Y/N," she spoke softly, stepping closer to you. "I know you better than you know yourself. I know you're lying. Is there another reason?"

She was standing right in front of you now; so close you could touch her, you could kiss her.

For a moment, you thought about getting it all off of your chest. Maybe she felt the same.

Maybe if you told her the truth and confessed your feelings, it wouldn't be as bad as you fear it will.

But then you thought about this day. How excited she seems to be to marry this woman she loves. How much she went through to plan all of this.

You couldn't do it.

"I'm sure, Taylor." You said through the lump in your throat, hoping she couldn't see the tears in your eyes. "You look so beautiful. She's a lucky lady."

"Yeah. Thanks."

She sounded almost... disappointed.

But you brushed it off thinking it was nothing.

"I should go take a seat if that's alright."

"Yeah, of course. Go on ahead." She said, forcing a smile.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now