what if I actually love you? (requested)

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Taylor closed the front door of your apartment behind you, the sound of the paparazzi outside your doors now becoming much quieter since the two of you were safe and sound inside your four walls at last.

That should be comforting and in a way, it is.

You don't like the paparazzi.

You never have.

But it's not very comforting when you're around someone that you always have to pretend that you love when, in reality, you don't.

Or, at least, that's what you let Taylor believe.

See, your relationship is adored by millions across the world. That's what the entire purpose of this PR stunt was - to make everyone fall in love with you as a couple, which you actually weren't, as you work on your careers.

It's a darker side of fame but not an uncommon one and to your surprise, it seems as though no one has caught onto anything yet. The smiles you force and the kisses you are also forced to share were real enough to the world and that's all that mattered to your labels.

You plopped down on your sofa and Taylor made sure all the curtains were shut before she sat down but on the very far end of the couch.

You're both sitting in awkward silence.

No words were spoken, although glances were stolen as you both secretly struggled to take your eyes off of each other.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to this." You sighed. "I'm passionate about my love for music but I never imagined, when I started out, that I'd be followed by paparazzi all the time and I'd be in a fake relationship. A PR stunt. I never thought that would happen to me."

"It's not so bad." She quietly spoke and you looked at her. "Could be worse. Trust me, when you've been through the things I've been through, you'd know that it can always be much worse."

"How much longer do you think this PR stunt will go on? Because I'm getting tired of it."

She toyed with her fingers nervously as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. I'm not in any hurry for it to be over."

"What? Why not?" You scoffed. "It's not as though we're in a real relationship, Taylor. Don't you have someone that you actually like and want to be with? Once you finish this new album, do you think it'll still go on? It's not fair to you."

"I just don't want it to end, okay?" She snapped and you frowned a little.

"Okay." You sighed. "I don't understand why, though."

"Because!" She said as she ran her fingers through her blonde hair.

"Because why, Taylor? Because isn't an answer! Look, I'm tired of pretending. I hate this. Don't you?"

"No!" She said before closing her eyes, wordlessly shaking her head.

"Taylor, what is going on?"

"What if?"

You furrowed your eyebrows as her blue eyes met yours.

"What if I wasn't faking feelings anymore? What if my fake smiles aren't fake any longer? What if the words that I speak to the world  about how I'm in love with you weren't a lie? What if I really love you?"

"Are you saying that you're not considering this to be a PR stunt anymore and that you're falling for me?"

"Yeah." She quickly answered. "I am. Because I'm crazy about you. I can't explain it. At first, I dreaded this PR stunt because it felt so sleazy and gross to pretend I was in love with someone to help bring more publicity and money to those around me. But then, somewhere along the way over these few months, I guess it changed and I genuinely fell in love with you."

You didn't say anything and that made her feel incredibly awkward.

"But if you don't feel the same then we can forget that I ever said this and go back to pretending. Just remember that I won't be pretending."

Something about that last sentence made your heart flutter.

Something about that look of adoration in her eyes when she looked at you made your heart skip a beat.

You've known for a while that your feelings for her weren't fake anymore either, so hearing her confess that she feels the same brings you a lot of comfort.

"I do." You said and watched a smile tug at her lips.


"Yeah. I just didn't want to say anything because I worried that it would make things even more awkward between us. That would be hard to work through."

"I understand." She chuckled. "So, I guess we go tell our labels tomorrow that this PR stunt isn't a stunt anymore and our feelings for each other are real."

"I think we should."

And after you finished saying that, you leaned in for a kiss and allowed her to pull you closer seconds later.

It was your first real kiss and it felt so good. You could feel the fireworks going off around you. It was perfect.

Maybe this pr stunt wasn't so bad after all. Because now, you're actually happy and in love with Taylor, and you feel very lucky to know that the feeling is very much mutual.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now