"the only person I want to be with is you" (requested)

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The knock on Taylor's dressing room door made her turn her head.

She looked in the mirror to catch a glimpse of her reflection. She just finished the final touches of her makeup and she was pretty proud of how it turned out. Her dress was almost at her feet. She loved it before when she picked it out with Andrea at the wedding dress shop she's always loved.

But she doesn't feel like a princess. She doesn't feel even close to being excited about tying the knot with the girl she loved. She felt... unsure.

The knock on the door once more made her snap out of her thoughts.

She walked to the door, carrying her dress as she did so. She opened the door just a crack to make sure it wasn't her soon-to-be wife.

Her heart nearly burst from her chest when she saw it was you.

"Oh, y/n!" She opened the door all the way and then threw her arms tightly around you, almost knocking you off of your feet. "I'm so happy you're here!"

For the first time all day, she was smiling from ear to ear. She knew that wasn't normal, that it wasn't a good sign. But she squashed it down and took a good look at you.

"You look beautiful, Tay." You said with a small but sad smile.

"Thanks." She said, returning a smile that was just as sad as yours. "What are you doing here? I mean, I'm happy to see you. So happy!"

You chuckled.

"But I didn't expect to see you."

"Yeah, I wasn't sure if I was going to come. But I wanted to bring you some flowers."

"That's so nice. Thank you."

She took them from you. They're her favorite. Her heart skipped a beat, finding it oh so sweet and thoughtful that you remembered and that you brought them to her.

You're her best friend. But you haven't been very talkative since she got engaged. She knows why.

Honestly, she feels the same about you. But she's never spoken about it. She originally thought this was what she wanted.

But she's doubtful now that it is.

You're already making her second guess even more as the feelings she has for you returned stronger than ever.

"I should get going." You said as she put the flowers in a vase with some water.

"What? No, please don't go."

"Tay, I don't think I can stay."

"Why?" She asked, her voice soft.

She hoped you'd say it. She hoped you'd tell her that this was wedding was bogus and she was marrying the wrong person. Because she feels like she is. She doesn't think she can go through with it.

But she wanted you to say the words first before she called it off completely.

"I just don't think it's a good idea." You whispered.

"Please stay." She pleaded as she brushed her hand over yours.

You saw the hope in her eyes. It was going to be the most painful day of your life, to watch her say her vows and promise to spend forever with someone that isn't you. But you couldn't say no to her. Not with that look on her face.


She smiled a little before she watched her dad appear behind you.

"You ready, Taylor?"

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now