I want to shout it from the rooftops (requested)

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Taylor's eyes sparkled as she watched all the comments appear on the screen as she started up the live stream on her Instagram.

She waved happily, that bright and dazzling smile on her face as she read through the comments and felt her heart melt over all the sweet messages that just kept coming.

With a new album on the way and a brand new song released just today, she wanted to sit down and take some time to talk with the fans about it.

She wanted so badly to talk about the inspiration behind it. Because, well, it is a love song and it's just one of the many on the album she wrote about love and you.

But you're a secret right now.

You've spent the last ten months falling head over heels with each other, although Taylor would argue that she felt love from the moment she laid eyes on you.

Every day spent with you is somehow more wonderful than the last and she's never been so happy before, which she knows people can see at this point.

You're her muse and her good luck charm. Critics are raving over her new song, saying it's her best work yet, which you're unsure of simply because you think every single song on every album is absolutely perfect.

However, with this love song being all about you and getting to hear Taylor play it in the comfort of your bed with a glass of wine, the cats all close to the both of you, and a game of scrabble that night, you do find that this one has a very special spot in your heart.

She couldn't wipe the smile off her face. As fans continued to point out how lovely the song is and how beautifully written it truly is. She just thought about you, causing her smile to grow even wider.

"I wanted to come and say hello to you all because you seem to be loving this song so much already and that makes me so happy!" She giggled happily and watched as the comments rolled in from fans, either saying that they love her or that they can't wait to see how amazing the album is.

"Who's your inspiration behind the song?" Taylor read aloud and tried to think of how to answer it, wondering if she should simply make something up so she wouldn't out your absolutely perfect relationship or if she should just move on to another question.

But she didn't even have the chance to give it any thought. Because suddenly, the door to the bedroom was swinging open and you walked into the room.

You stared down at your feet as you slipped off your shoes and since you weren't looking at Taylor, you didn't even see her wide eyes or shocked expression.

It was silent, so for a moment, you didn't think she was even in the bedroom. But she was simply in shock, trying to get out of the frame and get your attention without ratting out your relationship.

You untied your hair and let it fall to your shoulders before you made your way to the bed, where you walked over and gave her a kiss.

She looked flabbergasted as you pulled back, causing you to frown.

"What is it?"

She looked at you then at the screen then back at you.

"Well, darling, say hello to the millions of fans watching this right now on my live stream." She said and you quickly turned around in shock, gazing at the screen to find people commenting, seeming just as shocked as you felt.

"Oh no." You whispered. "Taylor, I'm so sorry."

She could see by the look in your eyes that you truly didn't plan this and felt absolutely terrible.

Because you're more in love with Taylor than you've ever been in your entire life before and your relationship, as well as Taylor, means the absolute world to you; nothing else matters to you.

And you didn't want the world to find out like this. Or... this soon.

She just shook her head and patted her lap and you sat down. She held you tight and laid her cheek on your shoulder as she stared at the screen with a big and genuine smile.

"Everyone, this is my girlfriend, y/n..." she paused and kissed your cheek softly. "We've been together for ten months now. She's my inspiration behind the song. She's my muse, the love of my life. Please be kind to her. She means the world to me and I'm in love with her."

You felt your heart flutter. Your smile just wouldn't fall as she caressed your skin and you watched loving and sweet messages from fans appear.

"There's a lot of songs on this album about her, about the love we have for each other. I think you're gonna love them." She smiled.

"I know I do. I can't pick a favorite. They're all so wonderful, so beautiful." You added and she kissed your shoulder lovingly, causing a giggle to fall from your lips.

You answered a couple of questions together but refused to give anything too personal away. She spilled a few more secrets about the album, leaving some lyrics as little easter eggs you know fans will surely be decoding later on.

"Anyways, we have to go. I will surely visit you all tomorrow. I love you!" She smiled and waved before ending the live stream.

She pushed the phone away and then gently pushed you onto the bed.

You gazed up at her, curious as to if she was upset or disappointed.

But she simply hovered over you and leaned in to give you one of the most loving kisses you've ever shared.

"Hey," she whispered softly as she pulled away, eyes staring deeply into yours as she softly caressed your cheek. "It's gonna be crazy for the next few days. But, through it all, you know you've got me, right?"

"I know. And I've got you too, Tay."

She smiled and pressed her lips against yours for a few sweet seconds before dropping her forehead onto yours.

You know the next few days will be crazy, at the very least. But it feels good not to have to hide your love from the world anymore.

"It felt good; saying to everyone watching that you're my girl. My muse, the love of my life, my everything. I want to shout it from the rooftops." She grinned brightly.

"Me too, Tay. I love you lots."

"I love you, y/n, to the moon and back."

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now