I'm ready (requested)

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Part two to "we've got a whole lifetime ahead of us"! Enjoy!


Taylor couldn't help but breathe out a soft sigh against your lips as you made out on the sofa.

Her arms were wrapped around you to hold you in her warm embrace, making you feel loved and secure with every kiss you shared.

But something felt different during this makeout compared to the others you've recently shared.

It was as if just making out with Taylor didn't fulfill you.

Tonight, you wanted more.

For the first time, thinking about her hands traveling across your body and her kisses trailing down your body to places she hasn't kissed before made your heart race with excitement.

Grabbing one of her hands from your back, you put it on your chest but she quickly put it on your hip instead.

"No, Tay," You protested before grabbing her hand to place it back on your chest. "I like it."

Her breath hitched but she didn't hesitate to touch you there.

"I don't want to just make out anymore." You said as you pulled away from her lips.

"Oh." She said. "Well, we can stop then."

"No, Taylor, not like that." You chuckled before clarifying. "I mean I want more."

She stared at you in surprise for a second before she had to fight back a smile.

"Are you sure? Because, like I told you, I don't mind waiting."

"Tay," You breathed out before kissing her neck. "I'm sure. I want to take that next step with you. I'm ready for it."

She smiled brightly at you before pulling you in for another kiss.

But this one didn't last very long as she now had other things on her mind, like getting you up to the bedroom instead of staying on the sofa.

"Come on." She said before having you sit down beside her.

She stood up and grabbed your hand, pulling you off of the sofa and up the stairs.

"Tay," You giggled over how excited she was as she hurried down the hall to the bedroom.

Gently pushing you onto the bed, she hovered over you and put her lips back on yours to pull you in for a passionate kiss.

"I love you so much, Y/N. I promise I'll take care of you and make you feel so loved."

Intertwining your fingers with hers, you sent her a smile and said,

"You always do."

She brushed a lock of hair behind your ear and stared into your eyes before brushing her fingers across yours.

"Let me show you just how much you mean to me, darling."

"I'm ready, Tay." You promised, looking forward to the night ahead.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now