not so ordinary live streams (requested)

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You let out a sad sigh as you heard Taylor's voicemail instead of her sweet voice once more. You dropped your phone on the bed and stared at your lock screen of your sweet girlfriend.

It's another lonely night. She's been on tour for the last two months and although you miss her every single day, you're really missing her tonight.

The house is quiet, the bed feels a little cold. The cats are off sleeping somewhere else and if you want to hear Taylor's voice tonight, it'll most likely be through one of her songs instead of over FaceTime.

It's a little odd that she hasn't spoken to you all day. But considering how busy she is between performing every night, working on more music, doing interviews and photoshoots, and meeting new fans everywhere she travels - you understand she might get too exhausted to video chat some nights.

With not much else to do, you remembered that some people have been asking you to do a live stream one of these days.

You don't do them often, mostly because you're not in the spotlight on your own. But because you're dating Taylor, a lot of people look up to you and like to see how you're doing, especially when she's on tour.

So you decided that it seemed to be the best night for you to do that.

You opened up Instagram and started the live stream. Right away, the number of viewers climbed into the high thousands, and the comments flooded in.

You shyly waved to them all and began to read off some questions they were leaving, like how you've been lately and how the cats are.

Obviously, Taylor was mentioned in a few as well. Fans asking if she's doing well and if you're going to a show soon.

But soon, the questions turned into a lot of excited comments and your heart started to beat harder in your chest when you saw them commenting things like 'Hi Taylor' and 'Taylor is here!'.

"Tay!" You grinned, shyly brushing a lock of hair behind your ear as she began to comment things like how much she missed you and she felt bad she couldn't call because she'd been meeting some extra fans after the show tonight but she was happy to see your face anyways.

Your cute little smile is my favorite thing.

You make me so happy.

You giggled and watched her comment a bunch of heart emojis in response.

I want to FaceTime you, but there's something I really want to do here first.

"Oh? Okay, Tay. What is it?"

I miss you like crazy.

"I miss you too, Tay." You smiled at the screen, hoping she was doing the same.

I realized something while I've been away and I've been trying to think of ways I could ask you this. But I don't think I can try to plan this out any longer. I don't think I can wait even another minute to ask you this.

You furrowed your eyebrows, unsure of what she was going on about until she commented...

I fall even more in love with you every single day and that's what I want to continue doing for as long as I live. Marry me?

Your breath hitched, your heart began to hammer against your chest, and your hands were shaking.

"Are you serious, Taylor?" You gasped out, tears beginning to blur your vision as she commented,

More serious than I've ever been before about anything. I want to spend forever with you, my lover.

You nodded and watched the comments flood in. You knew there'd been screenshots and screen recordings taken with you crying like a baby.

But you couldn't care less.

Even though it wasn't in person, the moment was still magical for you and one of the happiest of your life.

Because it's Taylor.

It's her; the only person you've ever thought about having a future with, about spending forever with, about growing old together and having a family of your own someday.

She could propose to you anywhere, anytime, and it'd still be a dream come true.

"Yes! Of course, I'll marry you, Tay!"

She began to comment crying emojis, and some hearts once more, as fans began to type excitedly, congratulating the both of you, unaware of the fact that your moment was already trending on Twitter.

Call me, beautiful girl.

With happy tears in your eyes, you ended the live stream and Facetimed her, to see that she was smiling through her own tears with a ring in her hand that she got designed for you.

It was your dream ring. You've talked about it to her before. It was beautiful; even more perfect than you ever imagined it being.

"Taylor..." you giggled through your tears.

"Hey, beautiful girl. Thanks for saying yes." She chuckled, a tear falling down her cheek. "I want you to come and see me. I'm booking you a flight right now to see me tomorrow. I can't wait any longer. I need to see you, I need to kiss you and slide this ring on your finger for the entire world to see."

"Okay. I love you so much."

"I love you more, my beautiful fiancee."

The word felt so surreal but so perfect.

You continued to talk and cry happy tears together, making promises of celebrating tomorrow night and talking a little about your plans for the future.

You knew you'd never sleep tonight and she knew she wouldn't either.

You'd probably stay awake on the phone all night until you could get on the plane to go and be back in her arms and put on that beautiful ring that would only be a promise of the happiest future you could ever imagine.

And you looked forward to every single moment of it with her right there by your side.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now