all's well that ends well to end up with you - part two (requested)

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"How did I ever get so lucky?" Taylor whispered in your ear as she came up behind you, her arms wrapped around you for a sweet moment before she began to let her hands travel along your dress.

You couldn't help but chuckle. Your wife still brings a flutter to your heart. You know that the feeling will continue to last this entire lifetime you get to spend with her.

She took ahold of your hand and intertwined your fingers together. Your gaze fell onto the rings you both wore. They were so pretty, so special; a symbol and a promise of the amazing life you get to spend together.

You can't take your eyes off of them and you can't get over how happy you feel, knowing that Taylor is gonna be by your side forever.

You turned around and put your arms around her neck. Her eyes were sparkling, her smile bright as she leaned in to lay a kiss on your lips.

"It feels different."

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and she chuckled.

"Kissing you. I mean, a good different though. The best kind. Standing up on that alter and not being able to kiss you when you look this stunning physically hurt. You always look so beautiful and your kisses are always so sweet. But it just feels different now and I hope this feeling never ends."

"Me too, Tay," you said before giving her a kiss. "We should go out there. Everyone is waiting on us."

"Yeah." She said and took your hand to lead you out of the room and outside, where your families and friends all waited for you.

As soon as they saw you, they began to cheer and clap. You both grinned from ear to ear as you walked around, thanking everyone for coming out to see you tie the knot and celebrate your special day.

The night was full of fun and adventures.

From speeches made by your family and closest friends, as well as hers, to the tears in your eyes as you danced with your family, to drinking the finest wine with Taylor's arm wrapped around you; it was filled with moments and memories you'd never forget, for as long as you live.

You were talking with a few close family members when you heard daylight begin to play. You turned around, your smile bright as Taylor walked over to you.

She held her hand out for you to take, a bright smile on her face that you swore made you fall even more in love with her every time she looks at you with it.

"Can I have this dance, my beautiful wife?"

People around you cooed as you took her hand and she led you to the dance floor. You dropped your cheek to her shoulder and felt her hand brush along your back.

You could feel the eyes of all of your loved ones on you and the flashes of cameras as they recorded and took photos of the beautiful moment.

"You're the greatest thing to ever happen to me." She whispered in your ear. "Now you're my wife. I get to continue to fall even more in love with you every day, for as long as I live. I waited so long for this moment. I never saw it happening with anyone else. I just love you so much, y/n."

"Love you." You smiled and she pecked your lips softly, chuckling when your cheeks turned red when people cooed once more at the sweet sight.

"It's gonna be a great life, my love. I'll make all of your dreams come true. We'll adventure together, live out our dreams together. We'll be happy together for all the days to come. We'll get through the good and the bad together. I'll make every day of the rest of our lives so wonderful."

"I know you will, Tay. As long as you're by my side I know that every day is gonna be amazing."

She brushed the tip of her nose against yours with a big smile then kissed your lips lovingly before you put your head on her shoulder.

You danced together as she sang along to daylight, whispering and singing along to every word in your ear.

The next song was lover and she only did the same; showering you with kisses and promises of your bright and beautiful future ahead.

As you soaked in the night together, you knew there was absolutely nothing in this world that you couldn't overcome together.

You knew that every day with Taylor would be heaven and you'd be at your happiest every single day.

With her there, no matter where life took you, you'd always feel at home.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now