break up prank (requested)

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Taylor's eyes lit up as soon as she walked through the door. She saw you sat on the sofa, already waiting for her. Olivia was curled up on your lap while the other two cats were off somewhere else, doing their own thing.

Taylor found it odd how quiet you seemed. You weren't watching anything, which was unusual for you because if you're waiting downstairs for her you're almost always watching something.

Not to mention the fact that you haven't even said a word or looked her way since she came inside.

"You look down, baby," Taylor said as she set her things down before she walked to you.

She sat right beside you and tried to pull you into her arms, hoping she could coax you into opening up to her about whatever was bringing you down.

But to her surprise, you pulled away before she'd usually gently push your head onto her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she started to feel anxious.


She knew something was wrong right then and there.

You don't actually use her name very often. You either use cute pet names that she absolutely loves or you call her Tay.

It felt weird and she didn't like it.

"There's something we need talk about."

"Oh, boy," she sighed. "That almost sounds like the beginning of a breakup speech."

She was just kidding, of course.

But she knew when you lifted your head and she saw that look in your eyes, that it was actually what was happening.

"You're not really thinking about that... are you?"


She sighed in relief.

"I'm not thinking about it because I already made my decision. Taylor, we need to break up."

She'd never felt so shattered so quickly before. This couldn't be happening. Not with you.

She tried to pinch herself, hoping she'd wake up and this was all some strange dream. But it wasn't a dream. This was just one big real-life nightmare that was all unfolding right before her eyes.

"You can't be serious." She said, her voice cracking. "Not after all we've been through together. Not after how far we've come. We have so many plans, so many dreams for our future. The one we planned on living together. Remember?"

You lowered your head, nodding slowly.

"I remember, Taylor."

She buried her head in her hands with a sigh.

"Why did you decide this? When did you decide this? Have people been saying things? I swear, y/n. Whatever it is, I'll find a way to fix it."

"You can't fix it, Taylor. I've already made my decision. I need to go home."

"You're already home." She whimpered, bottom lip trembling.

She hung her head and let a few tears fall. She couldn't hold them back even if she tried. She was too afraid, too overwhelmed.

Losing you is her biggest fear. She's never loved anyone more than she loves you. She can't bear to live without you. It'd be too hard, too dark without you, her sunshine, right there by her side every step of the way in her sometimes hard life.

"Please don't go." She cried. "Please."

She threw her arms around you, breaking down right in front of your eyes.

"I don't want to lose you. I love you. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you."

"Tay," you whispered and heard a small gasp fall from her lips as the nickname. "I'm not leaving."

"But.. you said," she started to say as she pulled away from you, only to be cut off by a small kiss on her lips. "What changed your mind?" She wondered.

"Tay, it was only a prank. I was never leaving. I'd never leave you."

"That's cruel!" She said as she tried to pull away from you, only to melt when you put your arms around her. She put her head on your shoulder and found comfort in your touch.

"I'm sorry."

"That was so scary."

"I know. I'm so sorry." You apologized yet again as you rubbed her back.

"Never again. No more pranks ever again. Please."

"I promise, Tay. Never again." You whispered and kissed the top of her head softly. "I love you too much to ever see you hurt like this again."

She closed her eyes and breathed in your scent. She felt thankful that it was never really real, but she was definitely going to get her revenge sooner or later on you.

You just had to wait and see when and what she'd have up her sleeve.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now