you record her reaction when you wear your wedding dress (requested)

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"There you are, baby," Taylor said as she pulled you into her arms for a big hug. "I've missed you today. You didn't say where you were going, just that you had something to do with your friends. Is everything okay?"

You nodded and bit your lip to hold back a grin as you pulled something out from behind your back.

Taylor furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to figure out what it was.

She knew it had to be some sort of clothing since it was on a hanger but there was a cover over whatever it was that you bought, which prevented her from seeing what it was.

"What's that?" She asked and stared at you curiously.

"You'll see." You winked before pecking her lips. "I'm going to go upstairs and change and then I'll show it to you."

She nodded and watched you rush up the stairs, the bedroom door closing a few seconds later behind you.

She took a seat on the sofa, oh so curious about what you'd bought today when you were out with your friends.

Whatever it was, she didn't mind at all. She wasn't upset that you didn't tell her where you and your friends went off to.

She's not the type of person to do that.

But she was deep in thought, wondering about what it could be.

"I'm coming down in a second, Tay! Can you close your eyes? I'll tell you when to open them!"

"Okay, baby!" She answered and closed her eyes.

She found herself cracking a smile when she heard your hurried footsteps on the stairs, as if you were excitedly rushing down them so you could get to her sooner.

You stared at her as you stepped closer and closer to where she was. You ran your hands along your dress as your heart pounded in your chest, your hands shaking from excitement so much that you thought you might drop your phone.

You pressed record and held your phone up to focus on Taylor. You wanted to cherish this moment forever.

"Okay, Taylor. Open your eyes."

She quickly did as you said, her big blue eyes opened instantly.

The sight she was met with made her gasp.

There you stood across the room, wearing the most beautiful wedding dress she's ever seen before.

"I know it's kinda against tradition to let the person you're marrying see you in your dress before the wedding but I couldn't help it. I wanted you to tag along when I went shopping for the dress I'll be wearing soon but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I wanted to surprise you. So? What do you think?"

She stood up from the sofa, not saying even one word as she walked to you.

When she was standing right in front of you, she took your hand into hers and stared at the ring on your finger.

She gave it to you a few months ago when she asked you to be her wife. She was so nervous that night because it was such a huge moment and even though you've discussed marriage before, she worried that you might say no for some reason.

But you said yes before the entire question finished falling from her lips, only allowing her to get two of the four words out.

She got that ring made special just for you. It's a constant reminder that you're going to be hers forever.

It's felt so surreal so far and now, seeing you stand in this gorgeous dress brought tears to her eyes as she thought about how lucky she is and how much she loves you.


A tear fell down her cheek, her eyes full of adoration as she stared at you.

"You look so beautiful, baby." She sniffled. "I can't believe how incredibly gorgeous you are. This dress looks amazing on you."

You chuckled through your own tears as you wrapped your arms around her.

"I'm so damn lucky." She whispered as she pulled you close. "I love this dress."

"I do too. I knew it was the one as soon as I saw it. It's the third dress I tried on. The others weren't nearly as beautiful as this one. It stole my heart as soon as I saw it. I thought you'd love it too."

'"I do." She smiled.

Your heart fluttered over the words that fell from her lips.

She'll be saying that again soon, on your special day that is only a couple of weeks from now.

"Those other dresses might not have been pretty but I'm sure you made them look stunning."

You giggled and pulled her in for a sweet kiss.

"Maybe so, but this one right here is the one."

"I agree. It's beautiful... you're beautiful."

You laid your cheek on her shoulder, the camera no longer on her but still going as you got too lost in the moment to even think about turning it off.

"Only a couple more weeks. I just know I'm going to fall to my knees when I see you walk down the aisle." She said as her blue eyes filled with tears again, swearing that she's never felt happier or more in love than she does with you.

"I'm so excited. I can't wait."

"Same here. I can't wait to call you my wife."

You grinned from ear to ear, loving the way the word sounded as it fell from her lips.

"I can't wait for you to be my wife too, Tay."

She kissed the crown of your head and closed her eyes as she wondered how on earth she ever got so lucky.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now