scares (requested)

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"You're so lucky that I love you. There's no one else in the world that I'd ever come here for besides you." Taylor grumbled as she tightly gripped your hand as you began to walk through the haunted house together.

You could only smile to yourself and lay a quick kiss on her cheek. You know how much she hates scary stuff, yet you wanted so badly to walk through this haunted house that you saw on the way home, and you didn't want to go through it alone.

"I think you're very brave, Tay."

She just sighed and held your hand a little tighter as things began to feel eerie.

Just a few more steps down the hallway later, a clown suddenly popped out of nowhere, causing Taylor to shriek and back away in fear and since her hand was wrapped tightly in yours, you stumbled slightly.

"Tay," you giggled and dropped her hand to walk up to her, where you put your arms around her and hugged her from behind in hopes that you'd get through it that way.

Then, someone dressed as a zombie appeared, and Taylor screamed loudly.

"I don't like this! I don't like it, I don't like it!" She whined, then screamed yet again when another clown popped out. "Stop it!"

You tried not to laugh, knowing it was an inappropriate time to let a giggle fall from your lips, even though you found it cute how she clung to you a little more every time she got scared.

"Please tell me it's almost over," she pleaded and you looked ahead.

"I think it's almost done."

Suddenly, a man in a mask with a fake weapon came out from behind a curtain and Taylor nearly jumped out of her skin. She turned around and buried her face in your neck, trembling with fear.

"It's okay, Tay. I've got you."

You walked a little further and it seemed like every step you took now was filled with scares.

Every corner, every step, every curtain you walked by, something would pop out or touch you or Taylor and she'd scream at the top of her lungs in genuine terror.

You finally saw the light and the exit sign, so you knew you were close to it all being over.

"C'mon, Tay. Just make a run for it. The exit's that way."

You tugged at her hand, hoping you could get her out of there as fast as possible. Because seeing her so terrified broke your heart.

But just before you reached the end, something grabbed Taylor's other hand, and she got one last scare.

"No, no, no! I can't take anymore! I'm out, I'm done!" She yelled as she rushed to exit and let out a breath of relief when the fresh air hit her.

You followed her out and put your arms around her, hugging her from behind.

She turned around and hugged you tighter than ever before. She was shaking.

"Oh, Taylor. It's okay, baby. It's over now."

"I hate scary stuff so much."

"I know you do, darling. I'm so sorry." You spoke softly as you rubbed her back.

"Can we go home?"

"Of course." You smiled and took her by the hand to lead her to the car.

Once you arrived home and were safely inside the comfort of your shared house, she relaxed.

But she continued to cling to you, worried about letting go, despite being home safe now.

"I'm sorry." You apologized as you held her close, peppering kisses to her head and her neck as you rubbed the small of her back. "No more haunted houses ever again."

"Good." She mumbled against your neck as she buried her face there, warm breath tickling your skin. "I know you enjoy that stuff but it really scares me."

"It's alright. They're not my favorite things, especially if I can't enjoy it with my girl. Trust me, I won't be returning, either."

She giggled and pressed her lips onto yours for a sweet kiss.

"To make it up to you, why don't I make you dinner?"

"Or," she paused and laid beside you before pulling you into her embrace, "We an order takeout and watch a movie."

"If that's what you want to do, my love." You smiled and reached for the remote before you teasingly joked, "So... horror?"

She playfully, and lightly, hit your arm, causing you to laugh and mumble out an apology.

"You're gonna have to cuddle me for the entire day now to make me feel better." She said, only for you to lay your head on her shoulder with a contented sigh.

"Sounds perfect to me."

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now