revealing your relationship during her speech at the Grammys (requested)

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Taylor sat in the front row at the Grammy's, nervously toying with her fingers as she listened to the artists being announced for Artist Of The Year.

It's a huge award and, once more, Taylor is nominated to win it.

She's hoping she does.

She must admit that she's feeling pretty confident that she will after the encouragement that you gave her before she left to come here, though she'd feel better about it if you were here with her.

But you weren't ready to attend such a huge award show just yet, especially since your relationship isn't public, though that's planned to change if she wins this award.

And she understood that.

So, she's sitting beside a couple of different celebrities with her fingers and toes crossed as they announced her name in the nomination video.

She watched the announcer open up the envelope and look over at her before her name was spoken.

"And the winner is... Taylor Swift!"

She stood up, as did everyone else in the room before they all began to cheer as she made her way to the stage.

She gave a quick hug to the presenter before making her way over to the mic and she couldn't hold back her smile as everyone continued to cheer for her.

And although it was a great feeling, all she could think about at that moment was you.

You had been so supportive and so confident that she'd win this award, along with the others that she has won tonight, and it warmed her heart immensely.

She knew you weren't ready to attend such a huge public event with her just yet.

But there was something that you'd discussed recently.

And that was that if she won this award, she'd dedicate it to you, as you're her biggest cheerleader and supporter in the world.

And so, she knew that she wanted to do just that right now - publicly reveal your relationship as she thanks you for always being her number one fan through thick and thin.

"Thank you so much for this award! As always, I'm so honored to receive it. It means so much to me." She spoke as people continued to cheer. "Thank you to the recording academy! Thank you to my label and to my fans."

She paused for a second as her heart hammered against her chest in excitement.

This was it.

She was ready to reveal your relationship and she knew, though you were at home, that you were okay with her doing so and you were ready too.

"But I want to say the biggest thank you to my beautiful girlfriend Y/N for always believing in me! She's my biggest supporter and she always inspires me to write the most beautiful songs, and I love her with all of my heart. I don't know what I would ever do without you, my girl. Thank you for always being my biggest fan." She blew a kiss to the camera, directing it to you as you were watching at home.

She stepped off the stage and was met with big eyes and bright smiles as the announcement had been sudden and surprising.

But people were once again on their feet, cheering her on for coming out and for revealing your relationship.

It was a big step and one she was proud to have taken.

She sat back down in her seat, grinning from ear to ear.

She knew that everything had changed but in the best way.

Because she no longer has to hide how in love she is with you and she is so proud to call you hers.

Being able to tell the world all of that meant a lot to her.

Now, one day soon, she just hoped that she'd get to show you off to the world and let everyone know just how lucky she is to call you hers.

All hers.

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