did you? (requested)

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You took a seat across from James at the table while Taylor took a seat beside you.

In just a moment, the show will be back from commercial, and then it'll be time to play spill your guts or fill your guts; a game that might sound a little exciting to some but dreadful for you.

And it's not because of certain things on the table in front of you such as the cup of bird saliva, but rather the worry you feel about what the questions to you and Taylor will be.

You couldn't help but wonder if she felt the same.

For the first time in what feels like forever, when she sat down, she looked at you and your eyes met her stunning blue ones.

You used to get lost in those eyes every day. You used to kiss those red lips and hold those soft hands of hers that were resting on her lap as she waited for the commercial to finish.

It feels like it's been years since you last saw her but, in reality, it's only been about two months.

You still remember that day.

That dreadful, terrible day when you agreed to end things so you could focus on your careers.

You regret agreeing to such a thing and you can't help but wonder, every single day, if she misses you the way you miss her.

"And... we are back!" James spoke enthusiastically, making you snap out of your thoughts. "Taylor, y/n, are you two ready to play spill your guts or fill your guts?"

You and Taylor nodded and he grinned.

"Okay, well, let's not waste any time, and let's get right to the questions. Let's start with Taylor."

He carefully looked over the options of food before deciding on the bird saliva, making Taylor wrinkle her nose in disgust.

"Taylor," he paused as he read over the question on the card. "With speak now (Taylor's Version) just dropping recently, what will be the next one to come."

Taylor being the secretive person that she is quickly took a swig of the bird saliva, refusing to answer such questions.

She made a funny face, one that made you chuckle as she took a drink of water to try and get the taste out of her mouth.

"That was terrible." She mumbled, still disgusted as the taste continued to linger on her tongue.

"Okay, y/n, you are next."

You nodded and watched as he spun the food around, deciding to give you the thousand-year-old egg.

He picked up the card before shaking his head with a laugh.

"Getting right into these questions, I see."

You furrowed your eyebrows, wondering what he was talking about.

"Y/N, a few months ago there were a lot of rumors surrounding you and Taylor. You both seemed to be quite cozy with each other and you saw each other almost every day. People were convinced you were dating. Someone even caught a photo of you two that looked like you were kissing but you both denied the rumors, as did your managers and agencies. But tell us - were you telling the truth? Or did you date?"

You turned to Taylor before looking  at the egg. You slowly reached out for it before deciding that you couldn't eat it. You felt sick just thinking about it.

"Uh..." You cleared your throat and looked at Taylor again, watching as she nodded. "Yes, we did date."

The crowd screamed excitedly and James felt so happy to be able to get such a confession from you.

"How long for?"

"About five months or so. We were serious but wanted to focus on our careers."

"Do you still love each other?" He asked.

You and Taylor turned and looked at each other, your eyes staring into hers for a few seconds.

You thought you saw them sparkle and as much as you wanted to say yes, you didn't know if she felt the same so you just shrugged.

"I don't know, James. It's been a while since we even saw each other."

"That's a yes!" He laughed. "Is there a chance you could get back together someday?"

You shrugged again.

"I don't know what the future holds. Maybe yes, maybe no. Who knows. Only time will tell." You said and he nodded and decided to proceed with the game.

But then, you felt Taylor lay her hand on your thigh.

"We should talk after this." She mouthed and your heart began to hammer against your chest as you wondered what it could be about.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now