London Girl (requested)

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Walking through the city of London, Taylor had her headphones in as she took in the sights she passed.

It was a beautiful day outside and since she has some time before her show tonight, she decided to go and wander around the city to take in the sights that she knows she won't want to miss.

She's got her phone in her back pocket, only ever reaching for it when she decided to snap a few photos of things that catch her eyes.

Otherwise, her head is up and her eyes are bright as she takes some time to breathe in some fresh air and stay present in these beautiful moments.

The smell of coffee soon filled her lungs and she decided that she'd get a quick one before she continued walking around the city.

She went inside, hoping she could get in and out without anyone noticing her.

The bells on the door chimed, signaling a customer had entered the shop.

Taylor looked around the cozy cafe, admiring how serene it was as the few people inside sipped on their drinks and scrolled through their phones.

As she walked up to the counter, she looked at a couple of people inside, and she suddenly froze on her feet when you just so happened to lift your head and your eyes met.

Her heart began to beat faster against her chest.

She watched you smile brightly and in response, she did the same.

It was as if it was an instinctive response when she saw your smile.

There was something about your smile that made her chest fill with butterflies.

"Hello?" A barista at the counter politely spoke, trying to get Taylor's attention so she could order.

She'd been so busy staring at you and found it so hard to look away that she almost forgot that she came in here to get a drink in the first place.


"Oh, hi," Taylor chuckled quietly when the barista politely tapped her hand to get her attention.

She looked over the menu and then ordered a drink and as soon as she got it, she looked at you then at the door then back at you, trying to decide what she should do.

Something in her told her that she needed to talk to you, that there was something special about you.

So she walked to you and cleared her throat as she struggled to even find her voice due to how nervous she was.

"Hi," you said as you lifted your head, sending her that bright smile once more.

"Hi. Do you mind if I sit here?"

"Not at all." You grinned.

Taylor took a seat and sipped on her drink, trying to figure out how she should begin talking to you.

She felt nervous for a few different reasons.

She wondered if you knew who she was and if you'd treat her differently because of that.

She also wondered if you felt the butterflies too and little did she know, you absolutely did.

From the moment your eyes locked, you felt them.

"I'm Taylor," she said and bit her lip, wondering what your response would be.

"I'm y/n. Nice to meet you."


She felt the butterflies return, this time filling her stomach, too.

Because that smile had charmed her first and then she heard your accent and she couldn't get enough.

"Nice to meet you too." She grinned.

"Did you recently move here to London?"

She shook her head, her heart still beating fast over that adorable accent.

"No. I wish, though. I love it here. Actually, I'm here for something else."

"Oh, that's cool! Yeah, London is amazing. Glad you love it here so far. How long are you still for?"

"A few days. I have something important to do tonight and then again in a couple of days and then I'll be traveling to different places."

"Oh." You said and Taylor noticed that the smile you sent her wasn't as bright as it once was.

Did you know who she was?

She wasn't going to ask. She just wanted to get to know you more.

"Well, then you only have so much time to see the beautiful sights here. Do you want me to recommend you some places you should go to?"

"That would be cool, thanks." She said before getting a burst of confidence. "Would it be weird or too soon if I asked if you'd show them to me instead of you telling me where they are?"

That smile appeared again.

"No. I'd love that. Just let me finish my drink and then we can go."

"That's cool, I have to finish mine too." She said as she sipped on her drink once more.

She watched as you locked your phone and put it in your bag before you began to sip on your drink as well, your soft eyes locking with hers.

She doesn't usually rush into anything. After getting more than her fair share of heartbreaks, as well as being in the position she's in, she usually feels afraid to take leaps like she just did.

But there's something different about you and she wants to get to know you more.

Because even though she just started to get to know you a few minutes ago, she likes you.

"Your outfit is cute, by the way." You said.

"Oh, thanks. You're cute too."

You raised your eyebrows and Taylor's blue eyes went wide.

"That's not what I meant," she started to fib but you just chuckled.

"You're cute."

She grinned and those butterflies appeared once more, stronger than ever.

"Come on. I'll show you around the city. There are a lot of beautiful views."

Yeah, there truly were.

But Taylor couldn't help but think that the prettiest view she'd have today as you kindly show her around and get to know each other more will be you.

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