safe (requested)

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Going out with Taylor is never an easy task.

Your innocent date nights can get complicated if and when people find out where you are.

Paparazzi and fans can sometimes take things too far and invade your privacy, making it hard to be able to enjoy quiet and romantic nights out.

It's the reason why, no matter where you go, she always makes sure to have bodyguards around to ensure your safety when people leak your location and overcrowd your space.

Like tonight.

Taylor wanted to treat you to dinner because, for the first time in what feels like forever, she had some time to do.

She's been so busy in the studio preparing for re-records and doing photoshoots, even writing more music for the future.

She still makes sure to spend time with you, trying to always leave and come home at a reasonable hour on her extremely busy days.

But you haven't been able to have a nice night out in the longest time and it was so exciting to get to enjoy one after so long.

As soon as the door to the restaurant opened for you to walk out to the car where the driver waited for you both, the paparazzi began to snap photos and excited fans who found out where you'd been tonight began to scream loudly, catching the attention of different people in the restaurant and outside.

"Stay close to me." She said and made sure the bodyguards stayed close to the both of you.

You nodded and tried to lay your head  on her shoulder as she kept a tight grip on your hand while you made your way down the sidewalk.

But, suddenly, everyone became too excited and began to rush to Taylor. They crowded around you both, quickly shoving you and Taylor apart, making your hand slip from her grip.

The screams were so loud and overwhelming and it only got worse when you no longer had the comfort of Taylor right there beside you.

People started to push at you to get to Taylor, making you fall onto the ground.

Because of so many people surrounding her and screaming at the top of their lungs, she couldn't see or hear you as you called out for her.

In a panic, you got up and ran a little, needing to get some space and air to breathe.

"Get back! Give her space!" You heard the guards say as you buried your face in your hands, anxiously waiting for everything to calm down.

Soon, the fans were pushed away and they guided Taylor back into the restaurant to let her catch her breath.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" She called out, thinking you'd also safely been brought in.

But her heart dropped upon realizing that you weren't inside with her.

"Y/N!? Where's Y/N?" She asked the guards, tangling her fingers in her hair in a panic. "Why didn't you guys keep her safe, too? Is she hurt? You're supposed to take care of her and me, not just me!"

She rushed out of the restaurant without a second thought, only concerned about finding you and nothing else.

She looked around, running around and calling out for you.


"Taylor?" You called out and she followed your voice, finding you sitting on the sidewalk near the end of the street.

"There you are!"

The screams came again but the guards stood strong, refusing to let any fans towards you and Taylor this time around.

You heard them shouting for everyone to calm down as Taylor pulled you into her arms.

"Are you okay?"

You nodded, exhaling shakily.

"Your arm is scraped up."

You nodded towards your arm, finding that it was cut and a little bloody, as was your left leg.

"I'm okay. I just got overwhelmed."

"That's okay. Why don't we talk about it more in the car?"

You nodded and stood up, walking to the guards so they'd guide you to the car.

"Don't let her get hurt, please." Taylor pleaded, worried that if you were split up again you would get hurt worse than before.

But, to her relief, you both made it to the care sade and sound.

You got inside, the guards joining as the driver took off.

"Everyone was crowding around me and my hand slipped from yours and I just panicked." You explained. "I felt like I couldn't breathe so I had to get away from the crowd and find a place to sit and catch my breath."

Taylor nodded understandingly and pulled you close again, letting you lay your head on her shoulder.

"I'm just thankful you're okay. I won't let you get hurt again." She promised, kissing your head lovingly. "I'm sorry for yelling, I just got concerned about my girl. Her safety is just as important as mine. Please do your best to keep us both safe." She told the guards, who nodded their heads, promising to make sure that this will never happen again.

You closed your eyes and melted over the warmth and comfort your girlfriend radiates, feeling safe once again as she holds you close.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now