falling asleep on her when she plays the piano (requested)

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You crept inside Taylor's music room, causing her to jump when you suddenly wrapped your arms around her neck and kissed her cheek.

This jump caused her to hit a few off-key notes on the piano, which made you both let out a giggle or two.

"You startled me." She said.

"Sorry, baby. I just wanted to come and check on you. You've been in here for a couple of hours. I wanted to be sure you didn't need me to get you anything."

"I'm okay. Thank you though." She said as she turned her head, giving you a sweet smile and a soft kiss.

She turned back around, her fingers starting to move across different keys as she started to sing random lyrics she was trying to put together to create a new song.

But she stopped only a moment later when she still felt you standing behind her.

She turned around and chuckled before looking at you with a loving gaze.

"What's up, my love?"

"Nothing." You said, biting your lip. "I was just wondering if I could keep you company for a while? I miss you and I love hearing you play the piano."

"Of course, my love. Sit down." She said and patted the bench, wordlessly telling you to sit right there beside her, as close as you can be.

You did just that and laid your head on her shoulder as she began to play again.

You watched her fingers dance along the keys and listened to her sing softly, different lyrics constantly coming into her busy brain.

"You're so talented, Tay." You whispered softly. "I don't even think you realize just how amazing you are. Your voice is so soothing and so pretty. I can't ever get enough of it."

"Thank you, darling." She smiled and kissed your forehead softly.

As a treat for you, she started to sing beautiful ghosts, which is one of your absolute favorite songs she's ever created.

"All that I wanted was to be wanted. Too young to wander London streets, alone and haunted." She sang, her beautiful voice and the comforting sounds of the piano bringing a smile to your face.

You closed your eyes and listened to every word she sang, knowing them all by heart.

You'd probably sing along if you weren't starting to drift off to sleep, so happy and so content that you couldn't help but slip into a peaceful slumber.

She hadn't even noticed that you were falling asleep.

She just went on to the next song that came into her mind, knowing how much you love it.

"There's glitter on the floor after the party. Girls carrying their shoes down to the lobby. Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor. You and me from the night before." She sang as she played the keys on the piano, creating a beautiful melody that you adore.

"I'll teach you to play this song someday soon. Or any other song that you want to learn. Would you like that, my love?" She asked as she turned her head, only to find you sleeping with your head on her shoulder.

She grinned and then kissed your head.

"So cute." She whispered as she stared at you. "I love you so much. Sleep tight. I'll wake you up when I'm ready to call it a night." She said and kissed your head once more before she continued playing, this time continuing to work on her new song that was, of course, a sweet love song about you.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now