when her friends check her out (requested)

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"Oh, there they are!" Taylor grinned as she nodded toward the table in the restaurant where three of her new friends were sitting as they waited for the two of you to join them for dinner tonight.

Out of pure excitement, she began to walk a little faster, pulling you along with every step since her hand was wrapped in yours.

"You're here!" One of the girls spoke as she stood up from her seat, her other two friends doing the same a second later.

Taylor dropped your hand to throw her arms around her friend, squealing from the happiness she felt over finally being able to have some downtime to spend with them and you together.

"It's so good to see you!" Taylor said as she pulled away. "Girls, this is my girlfriend, y/n. Y/N, these are the girls I was telling you about!"

You gave them all hugs and greeted them in a friendly manner before you sat down. Taylor sat beside you, immediately opening up her menu, and you did the same.

"So, Taylor, we're so happy you could make it tonight. You've been so busy lately, I thought you'd forgotten about us!"

Taylor shook her head with a laugh and looked away from her menu to look up at them.

"Not at all. There's just so much going on." She explained and you lovingly stared at her before looking at her friends.

Instantly, you frowned. You didn't expect to find them checking Taylor out.

After all, they were just friends of hers and Taylor even introduced you as her girlfriend.

They should've known she's taken and happily so.

But it didn't stop their eyes from roaming across her body. They bit their lips and leaned their cheeks on their hands, gazing at your girlfriend as though they were head over heels for her.

"Isn't she so beautiful?' You heard one of them whisper to the other. "I love her red lipstick."

"Her lips are so perfect, so kissable." The other replied. "She's hot."

"She looks so good in that dress."

"Uh, excuse me." You spoke, catching her other friend's attention as well as Taylor's. "I don't appreciate you talking about my girl like that."

"Y/N, what are you talking about?" Taylor asked as she put her hand on your thigh.

"Them! They're checking you out and talking about how hot you look tonight!"

"Oh, babe. It's okay." She said before kissing your cheek. "Just brush it off. They know I'm yours."

Maybe so. But it certainly seemed as though they didn't care.

Because as Taylor returned to her conversation with that friend, the others began to stare at her again.

And they also gave you dirty looks, clearly unhappy with you calling them out.

"She's perfect. I want her to be mine." One of them spoke.

Frustrated, you closed your menu before getting out of your chair to walk out of the restaurant, in need of some fresh air.

"Y/N? Baby, wait up!" Taylor said as she followed you, grabbing her things as well as yours, just in case.

You sat on the sidewalk and groaned loudly, tangling your fingers in your hair.

"There you are. What happened? Why'd you storm out like that?"

"I'm sorry, Taylor. I'm just upset."

"What? Why?"

"I don't think these friends of yours are going to become my friends." You said with a sigh as you looked at her. "They were checking you out, Tay. I mean, they were mesmerized by you. And they talked about how they wanted you to be theirs and how gorgeous you are! It made me so angry. You're taken! They need to stop."

She giggled, making you frown.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because you're the sweetest." She smiled. "I'm sorry, I didn't notice them staring at me like that or hearing them speaking that way."

"It's not your fault. It's not as though they were wrong about what they said. It's just that you're mine and I don't like hearing people talk about you that way, especially not people who are supposed to be your friends."

"I understand." She said. "I know I'd feel the same if your friends acted this way."

"Look, if you want to hang out with them that's fine but I think I'm just going to go home. I can come back and pick you up in a bit if you want. I'm just not comfortable going back in right now."

"No, it's okay. I'm thinking that maybe they're not good friends anyway. I'm taken and they need to understand that. Clearly, they can't respect that or you, and I don't want those types of people in my life. I want to go home and spend some time with my girl instead."

"I love that sound of that."

She gave you a sweet kiss before standing up and taking your hand before you walked to the car and drove home, those girls completely faded from your mind as Taylor made you laugh and held your hand the entire way.

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