moaning in my girlfriend's ear to see her reaction (requested)

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Taylor put her arms around you with a giggle as you sat on her lap on the sofa.

"Hey, darling," she smiled as you brushed the tip of your nose against hers. "Aren't we supposed to be watching a movie?" She teased as she brushed her hand along the small of your back.

You have to be honest. You haven't been paying much attention to the movie.

You and Taylor only turned it on about twenty minutes ago and you were on your phone until a couple of minutes ago, watching some videos of something that really intrigued you and left you curious about how Taylor might react if you pulled this one thing on her.

You brushed your lips across her neck and she let out a soft sigh.

"I mean, if you want to, I can just sit back down and we can watch the rest of it."

"No, that's okay." She said and you smirked against her neck as you continued to kiss it, knowing that's just how she'd respond.

You continued to kiss her neck and even brushed your lips along her collarbone and her jaw. She melted into you as her heart skipped beat after beat.

There wasn't a way to truly describe how your kisses feel or the rush of love for you that floods over her every time you give her one. It brings her such happiness and makes her heart flutter in a way that she's never felt with anyone else before, only you.

"Oh, I love you, baby," she sighed as she held you a little tighter, gasping when you began to leave hickeys along her skin.

She had no idea what you had planned, what little tricks you have up your sleeve as you continued to kiss your way to her ear.

You bit at the shell, tugged at the lobe, and Taylor couldn't help the moan that fell from her lips. You chuckled, your warm breath in her ear causing a shiver to run along her spine.

You were only getting started. She had no idea what you were about to do.

You parted your lips and smirked as you let out the loudest and most passionate moan that you possibly could, right in her ear.

"Tay!" You moaned and pulled away just in time to see those wide blue eyes of hers roll all the way back as she dug her nails into your skin and her heart started to race against your chest.

She opened her eyes, breathless as it sank in what you'd done.

"Oh my god, y/n," she groaned. "You've never done that before."

"You like it?"

"You know I did, baby. I'd love it if you'd do it again."

You couldn't resist. Not when she had that look in her eyes as if she was begging you to do so, wanting to hear that sweet sound fall from your lips again and again.

She was mesmerized, swearing that she's never felt such a rush when you moaned in her ear again.

She threw her head back, a moan of your name following.

"You're perfect." She sighed as she ran her fingers under your shirt, along your spine. "My beautiful girl, I don't know where that came from, but I don't want you to stop. Keep doing it."

You kissed the corners of her lips, slowly making your way to her ear.

"Please," she pleaded, needing to hear it again.

And you happily did, feeling a flutter in your heart as she pulled you closer.

If she was going to react this way every time, you'd happily continue for as long as her heart desired.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now