I've always been yours (requested)

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Staring out at the crowd of fans, Taylor felt a happy feeling in her heart for the first time in what felt like ages.

With the success of her newest album, she decided that it was the perfect time to tour again and give the fans the performances that they'd been dreaming of seeing for a long and difficult couple of years.

It feels so nice to be back on stage in front of the people that adore her more than anything and she can't control the way her eyes filled with tears as everyone surrounds her and showers her with love and praise with every heartfelt lyric that she sings on this tour.

But this all came with a price.

It was just a few months ago that she announced the tour and at the time, she was so busy preparing everything and working hard that her time was consumed by work.

It made you both feel as if you were growing apart because of how busy you both got and how little time you spent together.

So, as painful as it was, you both agreed that it was best for you to break up.

But that wasn't the right choice, of course.

It only took a little time for you to both realize that, although neither of you reached out to the other to confess that.

Tonight, she feels it.

It's her first show on the tour and it's starting to sink in that you won't be there to hug her when she gets off stage or cheer her on from your seat the way you used to and it's breaking her heart.

"I'm so happy to be here," She spoke into her mic. "I'm so grateful to be able to be back on stage and sing these songs for you all that means so much to me and have also played a huge part in your lives now, too."

The fans cheered loudly in response.

"I've been so excited to be touring again so I can see all of your sweet faces and meet you all. These are moments that I cherish and moments that I will never forget."

She took a deep breath and stared at her guitar that was over her shoulder.

"This new album means so much to me. Someone I love so very much played a huge part in it." She started to say before she hung her head. "Unfortunately, that person isn't in my life anymore. It's been very hard on me. I know she inspired an album full of songs that we all love but... I miss her a lot."

The confession was one that fans hadn't expected to hear.

But they were listening.

And one of those people that were listening was you.

"I wish she was here and that we hadn't ended things because, truthfully, it's the worst thing I've ever done."

She blinked away the tears of sadness in her eyes and then shook her head, realizing that she had gone quite in-depth in her feelings to a crowd of seventy-thousand people, which she wasn't so sure was such a good idea.

"Well, that's enough of that. Let's get back to the show, huh?"

She looked at the crowd, the fans in the front row catching her eye.

It was clear to everyone that the person she was talking about was you and the fans in the front row were trying to catch her attention because, right there beside them, was you.

"This next song is called bigger than the whole sky," She began to say.

But the rest of the words on the tip of her tongue faded away when she saw your face.

"Y/N..." She softly spoke as she stared at you, frozen and speechless from the shock she was in.

She handed her guitar to one of the crew members before she went to the edge of the stage and held her hand out right in front of you.

Your eyes locked and you could see that she was more hopeful than ever that you'd take her hand.

And you did.

Wrapping your fingers around hers, she pulled you on stage and stood in front of you with big blue eyes full of surprise and hope.

"I didn't know that you'd be here." She said.

"I wouldn't have missed it." You spoke.

And despite being in front of thousands of people, it almost felt like it was only the two of you that existed as she brushed her fingers across yours.

"Please tell me that you've missed me as much as I've missed you." She whispered as she sank her teeth into her lip, nervous over how vulnerable she was as she put her feelings out there more than ever before.

You gave her hand a squeeze and nodded as she put her free hand on your cheek.

"I've missed you like crazy, baby. I just didn't know what to say or what to do after we ended things. I was afraid to tell you and hear you say that you didn't feel the same."

She shook her head as her she brushed her thumb across your cheek.

She leaned in to kiss your forehead softly and you closed your eyes as you melted over the brush of her lips on your skin for the first time in so long.

"I'd kiss you but I want the first kiss we'll share as a couple again to be private." She said in your ear as she stared out at the crowd, realizing that so many people had seen and captured every moment of that.

"It's okay. I want that too." You said as you leaned into the brush of her hand on your cheek.

"But you're mine again, right?" She whispered.

She knew the answer but she wanted to hear the words fall from your lips.

"Tay, I've always been yours. Even during this time that we were apart, I've still been yours. I'll always be yours, only yours."

She smiled brightly and her eyes lit up and you made her smile grow as you kissed her cheek softly.

"I love you."

"I love you more." She said. "Wait for me backstage? When the show ends, I'm coming right to you."

The fans cheered as you shared a big hug, both of you smiling from ear to ear as you squeezed each other tightly.

"See you in a few minutes, baby," You said and let go of her to walk backstage, waiting for your girlfriend as butterflies filled your chest and you both felt happier than ever.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now