the one (requested)

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The soft kisses being trailed along the back of your neck caused you to stir from your sleep. You felt butterflies fill your entire chest at the feeling.

You couldn't help the hum that fell from your lips when Taylor began to brush her fingers along your bare back, the feeling of her nails slightly sinking into the skin only adding to the content you felt already.

"Good morning, baby." She spoke against your skin, pressing one more soft kiss to your neck before pulling away. "Did you sleep okay? How do you feel this morning?"

You turned around to face her and your shiny eyes and contented grin made her heart melt.

"I'm so happy, Tay." You said as you intertwined your fingers.

It only brought back memories of the night of passion that you shared together last night. It's the first time you took your relationship to the next level, sharing moments of bliss and euphoria that you've never felt before. There was no one else in this world that you'd rather share those moments with.

"I can't remember when I've been so happy. In my entire life, never have I been as happy as I've been with you. You make everything better."

She kissed you lovingly as she brushed her thumb along your knuckles ever so softly.

"I feel the same way. You're everything I've ever wanted. I love you like crazy."

"I know. You only told me like a hundred times last night." You teased and then giggled as she playfully booped your nose. "I love you too, Taylor."

"I've got something to confess. Something that's been on my mind a lot lately."

She said and gazed deeply into your eyes as you patiently yet curiously waited to hear what she wanted to say.

"You're the one. I've known for a while now. But now I really know it. I know that there's no one else in this world that I ever want to be with forever. I'm just really in love with you and I swear that you always give me another reason to fall even more deeply in love with you every single day."

You kissed the corners of her lips softly and the sweet affection caused her to smile happily against your lips.

"I feel the same way. You make me feel so loved and beautiful."

"You're so beautiful, darling. I swear to remind you of that every single day."

After those words fell from her lips, she was rolling over to hover over you. She pecked your lips a few times until you giggled against them, then she left a trail of loving kisses along your neck.

"I'm never gonna stop loving you." She whispered as she caressed your bare skin softly. "I don't know how on earth I got so lucky to have you. I don't know what I did so right. But I'm so thankful for whatever it was."

Her words caused your heart to flutter, made it beat faster against your chest. Her chest touched yours, allowing for her to feel every beat. She just grinned and rolled over onto her back, pulling you on top of her and into her arms.

"What do you wanna do today? It looks sunny. It's probably gonna be a pretty day outside."

"Yeah. We'll do something later. But for now, I just want to hold you close and kiss you some more." She smiled and kissed your jaw, causing you to giggle happily and melt against her.

You knew it was gonna be a beautiful day. That was practically promised when it's Taylor that you get to love and have by your side every single day.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now