I'll hold your hand every step of the way - part one (requested)

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You jumped as the timer on your phone started to go off.

You sat at the edge of yours and Taylor's shared bed, staring down at your lap as you took in a shaky breath.

You've been feeling sick over the last couple of days. You've struggled to keep much of anything down and it seems like everything is causing you to burst into tears.

These were signs of one particular thing.

But you have your doubts, as much as you want to believe that's what is going on with you.

You've felt sick like this before, although not to this extent.

But you've been here twice already.

You and Taylor have tried so hard to start a family of your own. You carefully went through your options and you've tried twice already, only for every test to come back negative.

You're only left feeling disappointed and Taylor tried to put on a brave face for you, but you know it's not easy for her either.

Because even though she tries to stay positive and keeps encouraging you that it will happen soon, you can always see the sadness in her eyes and hear the crack in her voice when the tests come back negative.

That's why you held out on taking these two pregnancy tests until today. Because she's at the studio and if they come back negative, only you'll feel the disappointment again.

You got off the bed and slowly went into the bathroom. Reaching the counter, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You're reaching the end of your rope, unsure of how many more negative tests you can handle.

You opened your eyes and tried to prepare yourself for the negative result you expected.

But you gasped when you stared down at them to find that they were both positive.

Your breath hitched and tears filled your eyes immediately. You almost didn't believe it was real. It felt so surreal, too good to be true.

But the plus sign on one and the word 'pregnant' on the other told you that it was really happening, that you were finally pregnant after trying for so long to get here.

For a moment, all you could do was sit on the bathroom floor and cry tears of happiness.

But then, the excitement began to flood over you and you wanted to share it with Taylor.

You walked into the bedroom and grabbed your phone, quickly calling Taylor.

She answered on the second ring.

"Hey, beautiful girl. How are you?"

"Good. Really good, Tay. You need to come home."

"What? Why, baby?"

"I have a surprise for you. I know you have to write and record but I can't wait to share this with you and I need you to come home right now."

"Say no more, darling. I'm on my way." She said before hanging up.

You impatiently waited for her to arrive. As soon as you heard the front door close, you got up and rushed downstairs to throw your arms around her.

"Oh," she giggled. "Someone's happy."

"You're going to be happy too, Tay. C'mon." You smiled and tugged at her hand to pull her up the stairs.

You led her into the bathroom and over to the counter, where the pregnancy tests were still at.

You dropped her hand as you stood directly in front of them. You watched her eyes travel over the plus sign and the 'pregnant' result, watching as it sank in.

She almost fell to her knees as they almost gave out on her. She chuckled through her tears as she turned to you.

"It worked? It finally worked!"

You threw your arms back around her, a couple of happy tears falling from your eyes and onto her neck.

"We're having a baby, y/n! We did it!"

"I can't believe it!" You sniffled and pulled back to stare at her.

Her eyes were full of tears but her smile was big and bright.

She put her hand on your stomach. Although there was no sign of you showing yet, she just had to put her hand there. She couldn't resist.

"I love you so much." She whispered as she put her forehead on yours.

"I promise you, over these next few months I won't ever let anything happen to you. I'm going to keep you safe. People are bound to find out sooner or later but I won't let them get too close or invade our privacy."

"Tay," you chuckled through your tears.

Her words were falling from her lips in an excited rush.

"And when you have a craving, whatever it is, whatever time it hits, I will get it for you! I'm going to take such good care of you through all of it. I'll hold your hand every step of the way! I won't miss a single thing, I swear to you."

"I know, Tay." You smiled as she kissed your face. "You're going to be an amazing mom."

"You too, my love." She said as she kissed your lips before pulling you in for a hug. "I love them already."

"Me too."

"And I love you so much."

"I love you too." You smiled against her neck, both of you counting you to cry tears of happiness here and there as your dreams came true.

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