coming home to find you curled up with the cats

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Taylor pushed the door closed with her foot as she walked through it. It felt good to be home after her tiring and busy day.

She's worn out and so excited to see you since she left in such a hurry this morning that she only had the chance to give you a kiss goodbye and tell you that she loves you.

She called out for you in hopes that she'd hear you rush down the stairs and throw your arms around her to bring her in for a much-needed comforting hug from you.

But she never heard the hurried footsteps or the sound of your voice calling back out to her.

Curious, she climbed the stairs and walked down the hall. It was all so quiet, which undeniably worried her a little.

But she didn't let her mind run away from her and continued to walk until she reached your shared room.

Her heart skipped a beat over the sight that awaited her. You were curled up in bed with the cats surrounding you. Benjamin was in your open arms, close to you as you slept soundly.

She didn't hesitate to pull her phone out of her back pocket and snap a few heartwarming photos before she made her way to you. The blanket you were once covered with was only covering one of your legs.

As if the sight couldn't get any sweeter or melt her heart, even more, she saw you were wearing her shirt, which made her smile become even brighter.

She tiptoed to you quietly and pulled the blanket up to your shoulders to keep you warm and secure as you rest up. Meredith opened her eyes as Taylor pet her and she moved away from her to curl up closer to you.

Her side of the bed was empty, the cats all surrounding you now. She didn't want to disturb your sleep but she was tired too and figured she'd climb into bed and join you for a nice nap.

But the dip of the mattress made your eyes open. They looked heavy as you stared at her and sent her a sleepy smile before they closed again as she leaned in to kiss your forehead without waking up the cats.

"Hey, darling. Sorry I woke you."

"It's okay." You mumbled sleepily and opened your eyes again when Benajimin moved around in his sleep, letting out a few sounds as he curled up closer to you and fell back asleep.

"Must be nice to sleep like they do." She mumbled, to which you chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"Did you have a good day?"

It was still early in the evening, so the day wasn't quite over yet. Despite how work keeps her on her toes these days between interviews and recording every single day and she's worn out of energy, she just nodded with a smile and reached over to run her fingers through her hair.

Because her day was already great even after spending only a couple of minutes with you. Her stresses were all forgotten about, her smile impossible to hide as you made it grow bigger and bigger.

"Yeah. I'm feeling so happy."

You cracked a sleepy smile before yawning and closing your eyes again.

"I'm happy you're happy, Tay,"

She was as close as she could possibly be with the cats surrounding you.

Although she wished she could cuddle with you and pull you as close as she possibly could, to the point that your legs tangle together and your heart would beat against hers, she still found herself feeling indescribably happy and relaxed.

"You make me happy." She whispered. "So happy. I love you so much."

"Love you." You spoke groggily before falling back asleep, smiling even in your slumber as she continued to brush her fingers through your hair.

Soon enough, she felt her eyes growing heavier and she closed them.

She quickly drifted off to sleep, feeling oh so in love with you and so happy as everything she could ever want were right there beside her; you and the cats she loves so much.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now