kiss your best friend challenge (requested)

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You stood in the kitchen in one of your favorite shirts from the folklore collection and a pair of your sweats.

You held Benjamin in your arms as he purred while you watched Taylor pull all the ingredients out for the meal she was going to make you tonight.

Her phone was set up on the counter across the room, ready to begin recording whenever she was ready to begin filming.

Taylor was antsy but was waiting for the perfect moment for this.

She was ready to come out to the world and as soon as this particular challenge caught her eye, she knew it was the way she wanted to tell the world about who she truly is.

And she finds it even better because she gets to kiss you and come out in the same video and she can't think of anything better.

You've been best friends for a while. While you're out of the closet, she's not, and she's tired of having to hide it from the world. She wants to be herself and to be free.

And this is also the perfect way for her to confess her feelings for you.

She walked to the counter where her phone was. She pretended to just be needing a cup from the cabinet and after grabbing it, she hit record and made her way back to you.

She put the cup on the counter and then gently took Benjamin from your arms and set him on the floor before looking back at you.

You were giggling quietly, utterly confused as to what she was up to. You parted your lips to speak only for her to cut you off by cupping your cheeks and pushing her lips onto yours for a short but sweet kiss.

She pulled away just a few seconds later and found you grinning from ear to ear, clearly enjoying the unexpected but perfect kiss just as much as she did.

She couldn't stop herself and went back in, stealing another kiss from your sweet lips.

And this time, she didn't hold back and she made sure it was passionate.

But, as deep and steamy as it was, she still couldn't help but smile into the kiss as you looped your arms around her neck and pulled her closer.

By the time she pulled back, the video had been cut off because of the amount of time her lips had been on yours.

But that was fine with her because your kisses had still been captured.

She grabbed her phone and uploaded the video to TikTok, captioning it with something that said if it wasn't already obvious with this video, I like girls - and I love my best friend.

She uploaded it and returned to your side. You put your arms around her and she pulled you close to her again, her lips brushing against yours for a few more seconds.

"I just came out on TikTok. I recorded our kiss. I did the kiss your best friend challenge."

"I love that challenge." You grinned. "I'm so happy for you, Tay!"

"Thank you. But, just so you know, I also figured that would be a great way to tell you that I'm in love with you."

Your heart fluttered in your chest and you kissed the corners of her lips.

"I'm happy you said that because I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember."

She smiled brightly, her eyes full of stars as she leaned back in and kissed you once more.

Social media was going to be crazy and probably overwhelming at times for the next few days. But she still feels so relieved to have gotten both of those things off her chest.

She knows she's got a lot of people that will continue to love and support her, regardless of what others think of her.

And she's got you.

She feels so lucky and she couldn't be happier.

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