let my girl go (requested)

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"Taylor?" You called out as you entered the backstage area, looking around for your girlfriend.

With her being so busy preparing for tonight's show, you went and got her some food so she could take a break and eat a little food.

But, problem is, you're not exactly sure where she's at so you've got to look around for her.

"Tay? Babe?"


You jumped when you heard someone scream at you from across the room.

You turned your head just in time to see a security guard storming over to you.

"How did you get backstage?" He asked as he towered over you.

He was a very tall and strong-looking guy and you couldn't lie, despite doing nothing wrong you actually felt a little intimidated by him.

"I'm just looking for my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" He asked before shaking his head, chuckling as he did so. "Taylor is your girlfriend?"

"Yeah. We've been together for a long while."

"Have you?" He questioned and you nodded your head. "Yeah, that's what they all say."

He took hold of your arm and you felt a rush of fear flood over you as he did so.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

"What do you think? There are no fans allowed back here!"

"I'm not a fan! Taylor is my girlfriend."

"Oh? Is she? So, then you'd have a backstage pass, right? Where is it?"

You looked down and realized your pass was no longer there.

You must've set it down somewhere without even thinking about it.

"You don't know, huh? Because you never had one in the first place. Do you know why? Because you're not Taylor's girlfriend! You never will be! You're not good enough for that."

His words hurt a little but because you knew he couldn't be more wrong about that, you just brushed it off.

"I think you're wrong on that one, considering how long we've been together." You said and he clenched his jaw. "Look, I'm not sure where my pass is. I must've taken it off for some reason. But go get Taylor, she'll tell you who I am."

"Oh, yeah, I'm sure she will. She'd tell me that you're a crazy, deluded fan who thinks they're in a relationship with her. Do you really think you could fool me? Look at you. Taylor is not going to be with you."

You felt sad and humiliated and swallowed the lump that appeared in your throat.

"Now, you are leaving. So we can either do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice."

Before you could say a word, he was taking you by your arm and dragging you away.

"I've had enough of this." He said in frustration.

"Ow! Stop, let go!"

"You can't be here! Come on, don't make this difficult!"

You felt afraid and that only escalated as he got tired of you resisting as he tried to pull you out and lifted you over his shoulder instead.

You dropped the bag of food onto the floor and began to panic, screaming out for Taylor as you did so.

"Let go of me!" You said. "Taylor! Tay!"

Suddenly, you heard the voice you'd been hoping to hear from across the room.

"Y/N?" Taylor gasped. "Hey, what the hell are you doing? Let my girl go!" She told the guard as she rushed to you.

The guard looked at her in shock.

"This girl is your girlfriend?"

"Yeah!" Taylor replied, shaking her head at him.

Suddenly, you were gently put onto your feet and before Taylor could say anything to you, you were throwing your arms around her.

You were trembling and she realized that you were truly frightened.

"I-I thought she was a crazy fan that snuck in backstage to find you." He explained and Taylor sighed as she rubbed your back.

"I appreciate you doing your job and looking out for my safety, as well as everyone else's here. But please, ask someone else first if things like this happen again. Because you scared my girlfriend a lot."

"Of course." He said and apologized to you.

"Come on, let's go get you some water." She said as she rubbed your back and led you down the hall to her dressing room, promising you that everything was okay now and nothing like this was ever going to happen again.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now