meeting for the first time after dating long-distance (requested)

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"Taylor? Hey, I just got in. My flight landed." You told your girlfriend on the other end of the phone as you stood in the crowded airport.

"I'm right outside, baby. I'll be right in."

You ended the call and slipped your phone into the pocket of your shorts.

You looked around LAX with big eyes.

This is the first time you're in LA and it couldn't be more special considering you're finally going to be coming face to face with your girlfriend, Taylor.

You've been dating for almost six months and, until now, traveling to meet seemed to be a little scary.

Because you know how public her life is and she was very hesitant to bring you into that.

But, at first, you didn't even believe you were talking to Taylor.

She wasn't catfishing you or anything of that sort.

She's just been secretive for obvious reasons and she waited until the right moment to tell you who she truly is and that happened a couple of months into your relationship, a few months back.

You felt a little nervous about traveling throughout LA on your own, even if it was just with a driver in an Uber on the way to her house.

And because she wasn't afraid or ashamed of the world finding out about your relationship if someone just so happened to catch the moments of you meeting for the first time, she happily agreed to come to the airport and pick you up so you'd be more comfortable.

You looked all around, wondering where she'd be coming in at.

It took a moment but you heard her voice coming from behind you not long after.

"Y/N? Baby?"

You turned around and, at last, you saw your beautiful girlfriend standing there in front of you.

"Taylor!" You squealed excitedly before you ran to her.

She caught you in her arms as you threw yours around her, letting her spin you around a little as you held each other tightly.

"I can't believe this is happening. I've been waiting for this moment." You said as she set you on your feet.

The moment you saw her beautiful blue eyes through your phone screen when you first FaceTimed, you were amazed.

Seeing them now, not through your screen but right there in front of you, felt so surreal and completely took your breath away.

"You're even more beautiful in person. How is that even possible?" You asked as you reached up and cupped her cheeks in your hands.

"Darling, I could say the same about you. You're gorgeous."

You were already melting and feeling so overwhelmed with so many feelings, but I'm a good way.

But then, she smiled at you and your knees almost gave out under you.

"I can't believe you're real. I know we FaceTimed and we've talked every day for months straight but it still feels so unreal. You're here. I can officially hold you and kiss you." She smiled brightly.

Taylor never would've imagined that this is how meeting the love of her life would play out.


She never thought she'd fall in love with someone she met online.

She always hears the horror stories behind those things.

But here she is.

Head over heels in love with you, the woman that she met online and has become the best thing to ever happen to her.

"I've never been this happy." You said and she felt like she might just burst into tears due to how happy she felt.

But she kept it together and sent you another beautiful grin, making you fall even more in love with her.

"I know we're in a crowded airport and this isn't the most romantic of places to share our first kiss but I can't wait until we get into my car or my house. Please tell me I can kiss you." She said as she sank her teeth into her lip, desperate to kiss you after so long.

"Yes. Kiss me, Taylor,"

And she happily did.

She leaned in and gave you the most amazing kiss you've ever had in your life.

It might sound a little cliché but you felt those sparks between you as she moved her lips against yours.

When you needed a little air in your lungs, you pulled away and Taylor didn't stop you despite wanting to.

"I can't believe how crazy I am about you." She said. "I've never felt like this before. I love you a lot and I'm so happy that you're here."

"Same here, baby. I love you and I feel like the happiest and luckiest girl in the whole world."

She kissed you again, giving you a few pecks on your lips before pulling away as she ran her hand up and down your back.

"Are you hungry?"

"So hungry!"

"Me too. Come on, we'll go to my place and I'll introduce you to my cats and show you around my house. After that, I'll either cook for you or we'll order something. Your choice, pretty girl."

"I don't mind at all what we do as long as I'm with you." You said as you took her hand and went to grab your bags and then head to her home.

The home that would, someday, become the home that you'd share.

Because this was the beginning of something magical and beautiful and your future together was very bright.

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