the luckiest girl (requested)

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You melted against Taylor as her lips moved against yours as she held you close on the sofa.

The movie that you had been watching together has faded into the background now as you make out instead.

You feel warm and content as she holds you in her arms and moves her lips away from yours so she could kiss your neck instead.

"Tay," You whispered softly before putting your head back, giving her more of your soft skin to kiss.

Pulling her lips away from your neck, she moved them to your ear and softly whispered into it as she slipped her hand beneath your shirt.

"Let's go to the bedroom." She said as she kissed behind and below your ear.

You could feel her tugging at the hem of your shirt as if she was telling you that she wanted it off of your body.

Suddenly, you began to feel a little scared as that was a step that you hadn't ever taken with anyone before.

Pulling away from her, you looked down at your lap with an anxious feeling.

"To be more intimate?" You asked.

"Yeah, of course." She smiled.

"Tay, I don't know. I'm a little scared about that."

"Hey," She whispered as she put her hand on your cheek gently. "Honey, you have no reason to be scared. It's only me."

"I know. But I've never done anything like that before."

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to but if you do want to, you should know that you're safe with me. I love you and I'll take good care of you."

"Okay." You said with a shaky breath.

She took your hand and brought it up to her lips for a kiss before she led you upstairs to the bedroom.

As soon as you entered it, you closed your eyes as she hugged you from behind and moved your hair to the other side of your neck.

Putting her lips on your soft skin once more, she began to softly kiss your neck as she untied your shorts and took them off, tossing them across the room.

You breathed out a soft sigh as she left a little love bite on your skin as she slipped her hand beneath your shirt and tossed it across the room with your shorts.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she caressed your cheek.

You nodded before putting your lips on hers.

Though you still felt a little nervous, you also felt comfortable and safe with her.

Not to mention the fact that you also felt excited about what was to come because you knew that she'd take great care of you and shower you with love and praise.


And that she did.

After everything was over, you lay on the bed trying to catch your breath as your heart hammered against your chest.

Your eyes felt heavy and tired and you wanted nothing more than to curl up to Taylor and go to sleep in her warm embrace.

But Taylor had other plans first.

Seeing that you were so tired, she cracked a smile before kissing your cheek and picking you up to take you into the bathroom.

She had you sit down as she ran the water in the tub, filling it up a bit before having you get inside.

"How's that, darling? Feel good?" She asked as she ran her fingers through your damp hair as you relaxed in the water.

"It'd be even better if you'd get in here with me."

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now