no matter what (requested)

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Author's Note: trigger warning ahead. This chapter contains possibly triggering content. Please don't read it if it makes you uncomfortable. Thank you, lovelies!


"Babe, I'm home!" Taylor said as she walked through the door.

You were sitting on the sofa, curled up under a blanket as you watched some boring reality show.

So you immediately perked up when you saw your girlfriend arriving home.

"Hey, Tay," You happily greeted as you turned your head to look at her.

"I brought food!" She grinned as she held up the bag of takeout from your favorite spot.

You swallowed thickly, trying to ignore the way your stomach growled and your mouth watered from how delicious it smelled.

"You're hungry, right?" She asked as she sat down beside you.

You were hungry; so hungry.

But you tried to ignore the hunger you felt.

You tried so hard.

Looking into her eyes, you shook your head and watched her frown.

"No? Why not?"

You remembered what you told her that you'd be doing today for lunch.

It's the same excuse you made yesterday for dinner so you wouldn't worry Taylor, so she wouldn't catch on to what you were doing.

"No. I went out with my friends for lunch, remember? So I'm full."

She looked away from your eyes and down to your hands which rested on your lap.

She slowly took them into hers and then looked back up at you.

"Yeah, you said you went out with them for dinner yesterday too."

You nodded.

"So why did they tell me earlier that you never had dinner together yesterday and had no plans for lunch today?"

Your heart sank.

"I called them because I wanted to see what you were doing for lunch because I wanted to surprise you with dinner. Turns out, you had nothing."

You hung your head with a shaky breath, knowing that you'd been caught.

"What's going on, Y/N? Have you eaten at all today?"

After a few seconds of silence, you shook your head.

"No, Tay. I haven't eaten for two days."

"Two days!?" She panicked. "Y/N, you need to eat right now!"

"I can't." You spoke quietly.

Taylor stared at you in sorry, keeping you from looking down by keeping her fingers beneath your chin.

"Haven't you seen what people have been saying about me lately? They keep calling me names and picking on me. I'm insecure about my body. I thought if I didn't eat, I'd lose weight and then people wouldn't be so cruel to me."

Taylor's heart shattered in her chest.

Hearing you speak like that hurt so deeply.

"People are cruel because they're jealous or hateful. I know it's hard. I've been there before. I know their words cut deep. People say sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me... that's a lie; a complete lie. Because they do hurt, right?"

You nodded your head as tears stung your eyes.

Just thinking about the names people have been calling you lately hurt your heart, causing it to physically ache in your chest.

"Some people just don't care. That's, sadly, the world that we live in. People think that they can say anything on the internet. It's terrible and I wish that they would stop but they won't."

She was right; you knew that.

"You shouldn't change for anyone, my love. Those people don't matter. I know their words hurt but you are so beautiful." She said as she brushed her fingers across your cheeks.

"Those people are just jealous. Jealous that you're the one that's with me or jealous of how incredible you are. Or they're just hateful and wish they could have the things you do. You can't let them get to you, darling."

You leaned into her touch, finding immense comfort in it, as always.

"I don't want you to ever hurt yourself, especially not because of some people on the internet that are absolutely miserable. They don't know you, not the way that I do. To me, you are beautiful and you always will be, no matter what."

You smiled at her through the tears in your eyes and your heart melted over her sweet and loving words.

"Always remember this, beautiful girl: the ones that matter are going to love you unconditionally. Your weight doesn't matter, you are gorgeous just the way you are. To your family, your friends, to me, and everyone close to me - it will never matter and it will never change how stunning you are; inside and out."

You threw your arms around her tightly and put your cheek on her shoulder.

"So screw people on the internet. Screw reporters and journalists who just enjoy tearing others down. You've got me, you always will, and you are always going to be the most beautiful girl in the world to me. Nothing can ever change that."

"Thank you, baby. I needed to hear that." You said as she rubbed your back. "You always know just what to say."

"I'm only saying the truth, sweet girl." She said and kissed your head. "Please eat. For me."

You pulled away and she tore the bag of takeout open before putting your stuff onto your lap.

Your eyes locked once more and as she reached over to tuck a lock of hair behind your ear, you saw the look of love in her eyes.

She'd love you no matter what.

You know that.

So you picked up the fork the food came with and started to eat them, enjoying every bite.

And Taylor ate with you, so happy to see you enjoying your food so much.

It's what you deserve.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now