dancing with our hands tied (requested)

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It's been so long since she's last gone through something like this and as bad as those times were, Taylor feels like these moments now might somehow be even more overwhelming than all the times before.

She was just exiting the gym when the paparazzi began to swarm her. The flashes from the cameras were bright, almost blinding.

But the lack of personal space and the bright flashes every split second from all the cameras in her face wasn't the worst of it all.

The worst of the paparazzi situation was the nasty and hurtful comments and remarks they were making.

Her weight seemed to be the biggest topic amongst the men who were refusing to give her any space.

They pointed it out and poked fun at her as if her body was imperfect.

She kept her keys in her hand and tried to keep her head down as she walked closer and closer to the car.

But it felt so far away and no matter how quickly she walked or how much closer she came to reaching it, it felt like she wasn't ever going to find the safety and security it would give her.

She fought back the tears that stung her eyes and bit her lip, hoping to keep them from falling while she was still surrounded by the paparazzi.

She finally reached her car and she drove away as quickly as she could as the tears began to blur her vision.

She only made it a block or two away before she pulled over and put the car in park in a parking lot where no one else was.

She put her forehead against the steering wheel and she sobbed harder than she ever has before.

It's been so long.

Maybe she was a little naive for thinking this way, but she thought maybe her trip back to LA wouldn't be as bad as the ones before. Maybe she could sneak around and she wouldn't get caught.

She's not here permanently anymore. She considers her home to be elsewhere now.

After everything that happened, she just had to get away. It was too much for her to handle and she felt unwanted and needed to escape.

And she feels like the luckiest girl in the world to have been able to escape with you, of all people.

You've been together for several months now and Taylor can't seem to remember the last time she's been this happy.

She feels wanted, needed, and she feels like she's found the one she wants to be with for the rest of her life.

But her life isn't always good. There are dark sides that come along with the life she lives.

She's tried so hard to keep you from that, to protect you from the prying eyes and the invasive people who act like every little thing in her life is something that the world needs to know.

It was all going so well.

But now... she feels scared.

She worried that this was only the beginning. She feared that it was only to get worse from here and you didn't deserve to go through that.

She pondered the thought. Sat alone in her car in the empty parking lot, she cried and cried as her heart pounded with worry and fear.

She doesn't want to lose you. She never does. You're the greatest thing to ever happen to her. She's sure she can't even live without you.

But in her mind, she'd have to find a way to cope, because she wasn't going to let the world put you through the same hell that she's gone through for the past several years.

She has something she needs to protect now. She needs to keep you safe. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.

She needs to keep you safe, no matter what.

With shaky hands and whimpers falling from her lips, she reached for her phone and called you.

She closed her eyes, tears continuing to stream down her cheeks as she fell apart. Everything was catching up to her and she's so overwhelmed that she's not even thinking properly anymore.

"Tay! Hey, how's everything going? How are you, baby?"

She tried so hard to keep herself from crying hard over the phone to you, but she couldn't hold back. It was just too much for her.


"Y/N," she sniffled. "I went to the gym today."

"Oh, good for you, my love."

"Yeah... but on the way out, paparazzi were everywhere. They said some pretty hurtful things to me."

"Oh, Tay," you spoke sadly, feeling an ache in your heart just at the thought of people saying cruel things to her.

"It got me thinking about my life. About all I've been through before I met you. I used to wonder who in their right mind would sign up for this? For a life with paparazzi and hateful people and death threats. Now, I wonder who will stick around."

"Tay, what are you talking about? You know I'm not going anywhere."

"I think you should." She muttered as she started to cry again. "Y/N, you don't deserve this. You're the most wonderful, kind-hearted, beautiful girl that I've ever met. I feel like I have to protect you and keep you safe. We need to break up, I have to keep you safe from all of the things my life brings."

It was silent for a second before you answered.

"No," you scoffed, leaving Taylor confused.


"I said no. Taylor, I'm not giving up on you, on us. I knew from the moment we met that your life is anything but easy. But I can handle it. I'm willing to deal with all of it and more if it means that I'm yours."

She sniffled.

"You're all I need. I love you and I'm not going anywhere. Not ever. We're not breaking up."

She could only sigh in relief.

She was still saddened and overwhelmed by everything. But she was smiling through her tears now, wondering how she ever got so lucky.

"No one has ever said anything like that to me."

"It's the truth, Taylor. I love you very much. I promise that I'm not going anywhere."

"I love you so much." She sniffled.

"I love you too. You're overwhelmed, Tay. Just go to the studio or to your house. Just try to calm down and catch your breath. Call me in a little while. I'm here for you. I swear that's never going to change."

"Okay."She sighed shakily and ended the call before she suddenly began to feel inspired, lyrics around running through her busy brain.

She doesn't think you'll ever know just how much she loves and appreciates you.

Maybe a song or two would be the best way to show you just how much it means to her to know that no matter what happens in her life, she's never alone and she's never going to feel unloved.

Because you're always there for her and there's nothing in this world that will ever change that.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now